
complication是什么意思 complication在线翻译 complication什么意思 complication的意思 complication的翻译 complication的解释 complication的发音

complication [ˌkɒmplɪˈkeɪʃn]  [ˌkɑ:mplɪˈkeɪʃn] 


complication 基本解释

名词[医]并发症; 错杂,纠纷; 混乱,精神错乱

complication 相关例句


1. Both parents work, which adds complications to their family life.

2. The complications of this machine make it difficult ot handle correctly.

3. We cannot allow further complication of this matter.

4. Another complication was the excess of imports over exports.

complication 网络解释

1. 并发症:(八)重要处置(significant procedure)必须编码,若单一代码可表示双侧处置则以单一代码表示,若双侧处置无法以单一代码涵盖时,则可编该代码两次. 2、尚有并发症(complication),或并发症(complication)未获妥善控制.

2. 合并症:change),以及由于这些变化引起的临床表现(临床病理联系,Clinicopathological correlation)、合并症(Complication)和结局(Sequela). 学习和研究上述内容,以便使学生认识和掌握疾病的本质,为临床课的学习和将来成为合格的麻醉医生打下良好的基础,

3. 复杂化:complexity 复杂性 | complication 复杂化 | compression 压缩

4. 复杂化,混乱,并发症:compliance test apparatus 肺弹性测定仪 | complication 复杂化,混乱,并发症 | comply 答应,遵守,履行

complication 词典解释

1. 使复杂化的难题(或困难)
    A complication is a problem or difficulty that makes a situation harder to deal with.

    e.g. The age difference was a complication to the relationship...
    e.g. An added complication is the growing concern for the environment.

2. 并发症
    A complication is a medical problem that occurs as a result of another illness or disease.


    e.g. Blindness is a common complication of diabetes...
    e.g. He died of complications from a heart attack.

complication 单语例句


1. Chevron said oil from the recent seep contained no drilling " mud ", suggesting it is not a residual spill or a new complication of the November spill.

2. Surgeons managed to stabilize the comatose Israeli prime minister after initially fearing for his life, but the latest complication makes it even more unlikely he will recover.

3. Diabetics often suffer from a complication known as a " diabetic foot ulcer ".

4. Women in the highest quarter for cord blood theobromine were 69 percent less likely to develop the complication than those in the lowest quarter.

5. Another complication is that the regular government troops in Darfur fighting the rebellion are mainly ethnic African draftees from other parts of Sudan.

6. The Lakers announced the results of their point guard's MRI exam on Saturday, throwing yet another complication into their dismaying start to the season.

7. These evolving demographics bring with them a complication for India, usually overlooked in the euphoria over the demographic dividend.

8. Wang described this Special Sports Meeting as of largest scale ever seen, therefore more people and more complication will show up.

9. Major concerns include poor complication control and inadequate medical tests as well as a low rate of diagnosis and treatment.

10. That figure included 627 people who have developed a rare, serious complication of the disease that can cause kidney failure.

complication 英英释义


1. the act or process of complicating

2. puzzling complexity

    Synonym: complicatednessknottinesstortuousness

3. a development that complicates a situation

    e.g. the court's decision had many unforeseen ramifications

    Synonym: ramification

4. a situation or condition that is complex or confused

    e.g. her coming was a serious complication

5. any disease or disorder that occurs during the course of (or because of) another disease

    e.g. bed sores are a common complication in cases of paralysis

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