
compost是什么意思 compost在线翻译 compost什么意思 compost的意思 compost的翻译 compost的解释 compost的发音 compost的同义词 compost的反义词

compost [ˈkɒmpɒst]  [ˈkɑ:mpoʊst] 


compost 基本解释

名词堆肥; 混合,合成

及物动词施堆肥; 把(蔬菜等)制成堆肥

compost 网络解释

1. 堆肥:而我国生活垃圾较成熟的处理方式有卫生填埋(Sanitary Landfill)和堆肥(Compost)等. 堆肥就是利用微生物对有机废物进行分解腐熟而形成肥料. 卫生填埋则采取防渗、压实、覆盖和气体、渗沥水治理等环境保护措施的固体废物填埋方法,

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 肥料:中文: 恐惧或反对全球化 (globalization) 的人. 中文: 仇恨音乐:仇恨音乐网站 (hate-music websites) 所播放的音乐和推销的音乐 CD;这些网站也贩卖充满仇恨的 T恤、钮扣、海报、保险杆贴纸、书籍并做枪枝广告. 中文: 被回收再处理做成混合肥料 (compost) 的人类排泄物 (大小便).

3. 混合肥料:中文:被回收再处理做成混合肥料 (compost) 的人类排泄物 (大小便). 其它:动词. 这 词组源自美国著名影星汤姆克鲁斯 (Tom Cruise) 今年 (2005) 5月23日上欧普拉 (Oprah Winfrey) 节目的一段插曲. 阿汤哥当时不知是吃错了什么药,

4. 混合物:compossible 可共存的 | compost 混合物 | composure 镇静

compost 词典解释

1. 堆肥;混合肥料
    Compost is a mixture of decayed plants and vegetable waste which is added to the soil to help plants grow.

    e.g. ...a small compost heap.

2. (在花盆中栽培用的)特制土
    Compost is specially treated soil that you buy and use to grow seeds and plants in pots.

3. 把…制成堆肥
    To compost things such as unwanted bits of plants means to make them into compost.


    e.g. Cut down and compost spent cucumbers, tomatoes and other crops...
    e.g. All garden waste should be composted and returned to the garden.

Composting is the ideal way of getting rid of vegetable, garden and organic waste.

compost 单语例句

1. This being the case, to compost the sludge and remove pollutants is inherently contradictory in the traditional method.

2. The bottom compost section inside the timber casing creates a stable warm temperature that worms love.

3. The plants will be equipped to burn, compost and bury garbage.

4. And even if there were more storage facilities, compost rots too quickly to last from harvest until the next planting.

5. And although disposing of garbage in landfills is half the cost of incineration and compost, it causes contamination of soil and water.

6. Another is that most farms in Tianjin refuse to take natural compost because chemical fertilizers are easier to apply.

7. Landfill, incineration and compost are the three major household waste disposal methods.

8. The remaining garbage will be used as compost and for other purposes.

9. There are also chemical reasons it's difficult to compost in China.

10. The couple believed Lena's ring fell into a sink and was lost in vegetable peelings that were turned into compost or fed to their sheep.


compost 英英释义


1. a mixture of decaying vegetation and manure
    used as a fertilizer



1. convert to compost

    e.g. compost organic debris

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