
conceive是什么意思 conceive在线翻译 conceive什么意思 conceive的意思 conceive的翻译 conceive的解释 conceive的发音 conceive的同义词

conceive [kənˈsi:v]  [kənˈsiv] 


conceive 基本解释


及物/不及物动词怀孕; 构思; 想像,设想; 持有

不及物动词设想; 怀孕; 考虑

conceive 相关例句


1. The baby was conceived in February and born in November.

2. conceive的近义词

2. Who first conceived the idea of building nuclear power plants?

3. Half a century ago it's difficult to conceive of travelling to the moon.

4. conceive在线翻译

4. She conceived a dislike for her neighbor's son.


1. Deer usually conceive in November.

conceive 网络解释

1. 设想:弥补,补充--共同地(com)使其满(ple)了excise 切除,切掉--切(cise)下去(ex)treason 叛国,背信--理由(reason)前加t(踢)联想:老俞设想(conceive)一个计划阴谋,然后我们察觉(perceive)了,

2. conceive在线翻译

2. 构想:在感知解脱为解脱时,他构想(conceive)解脱之事、他构想解脱内之事、他构想来自解脱之事、他构想解脱为'我的'、他欣喜于解脱. 为什么? 我告诉你们,因为他还不曾理解它......

conceive 词典解释

1. 想象;相信
    If you cannot conceive of something, you cannot imagine it or believe it.

    e.g. I just can't even conceive of that quantity of money...
    e.g. He was immensely ambitious but unable to conceive of winning power for himself.

2. 认为
    If you conceive something as a particular thing, you consider it to be that thing.


    e.g. The ancients conceived the earth as afloat in water...
    e.g. We conceive of the family as being in a constant state of change...

3. 构思;设想;想出
    If you conceive a plan or idea, you think of it and work out how it can be done.

    e.g. She had conceived the idea of a series of novels...
    e.g. He conceived of the first truly portable computer in 1968.

4. 怀孕
    When a woman conceives, she becomes pregnant.

    e.g. Women, he says, should give up alcohol before they plan to conceive...
    e.g. About one in six couples has difficulty conceiving...

conceive 单语例句

1. If you have a cyst, it's very hard to conceive.

2. Forestry authority statistics show fewer than 10 per cent of male giant pandas mate naturally and fewer than 30 per cent of females conceive naturally.

3. Forestry authority statistics show fewer than 10 percent of male giant pandas mate naturally and fewer than 30 percent of females conceive naturally.

4. Couples who want to conceive are offered free psychological consultations and health examinations, while women who struggle to become pregnant can receive free medical treatment.

5. Ma resorted to IVF at Zhou's hospital in 2010 after three failed attempts to naturally conceive a baby free of genetic blood disorders.

6. That same wide interest in music led her to conceive, write and present her own music series for children on Irish national TV.

7. Past research has also suggested that the longer a couple takes to conceive, the greater the odds of low birthweight or other complications.

8. It is confirmation of the risk of a crushing American domination in the definition of how future generations conceive the world.

9. A pair of identical wells in Hexi Village of the county are said to contain " magic water " that enables women to conceive twins.

10. Those entitled to conceive a second child will also no longer have to wait four years after their first has been born.

conceive 英英释义



1. become pregnant
    undergo conception

    e.g. She cannot conceive
           My daughter was conceived in Christmas Day

2. judge or regard
    look upon

    e.g. I think he is very smart
           I believe her to be very smart
           I think that he is her boyfriend
           The racist conceives such people to be inferior

    Synonym: thinkbelieveconsider

3. have the idea for

    e.g. He conceived of a robot that would help paralyzed patients
           This library was well conceived

    Synonym: gestateconceptualizeconceptualise

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