
conch是什么意思 conch在线翻译 conch什么意思 conch的意思 conch的翻译 conch的解释 conch的发音 conch的同义词 conch的反义词 conch的例句

conch [kɒntʃ]  [kɑ:ntʃ] 


conch 基本解释


conch 网络解释

1. 海螺:活动banner(UED在做)品 牌:海螺(CONCH)产 地:上海规 格:38-43成 分:纯棉袖 型:小圆角长袖颜 色:白色暗条纹等 级:一等品支 数:40支款式描述: 方领、明门襟、曲下摆、尖角袋

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 贝壳:材质 符合ASTM或者EN71认证的PVC 品牌 贝壳(conch) 产地 中国义乌 OEM 可以 可否定做 可以 贸易属性 外贸原单 规格 35*25cm 样式 单人

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 琦胜:.详细说明: 琦胜(CONCH)计数器琦胜(CONCH)计数器 U系列面板外形:96*48*125 项目 名称 型号 说明 1 累计型计数器 CU-40-N 4位显示 2 累计型计数器 CU-60-N 6位显示 3 一段设定按键式计数器 CU-41K-N 4位显示 4 一段设定按键

4. 螺:有一些种常不准确地称为康克螺(conch). 壳坚硬,较长,壳口宽广. 以长吻取食其他软体动物,也吃陷入渔具内的鱼和甲壳类. 分布於全世界. 多数为冷水种,而且比热带种大,色较单调. 北大西洋的北蛾螺(Buccinum undatum)为常见种,

conch 词典解释

1. 海螺;海螺壳
    A conch is a shellfish with a large shell rather like a snail's. A conch or a conch shell is the shell of this creature.

conch 单语例句

1. Anhui Conch Cement Co surged to the highest in two months after profit more than doubled.

2. The pork soup was also memorable as it featured tasty conch with sliced pears and dried figs that are good for health.

3. He takes a seaside trip every year, visiting many tiny fishing villages along the coast to find special conch shells.

4. The conch comes dried and must be soaked overnight to soften before being cooked with chicken.

5. You may also use frozen conch, but the result is a milky broth that is wondrously sweet.

6. But a conch has to carry a heavy shell wherever it goes and its size is limited by the shell's size.

7. Anhui Conch said the higher profit and growth in turnover were helped by the company's strategy of combining operations to increase efficiency.

8. Anhui Conch Cement Co led gains for cement makers after the Economic Information Daily reported China will announce a development for the industry.

9. Conch Cement launched a nationwide price hike of between 10 to 50 yuan a ton during September and October.

10. Anhui Conch Cement Co jumped to the highest in three years as CITIC Securities Co predicted a peak season for cement consumption.

conch 英英释义



1. any of various edible tropical marine gastropods of the genus Strombus having a brightly-colored spiral shell with large outer lip

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