
contracts是什么意思 contracts在线翻译 contracts什么意思 contracts的意思 contracts的翻译 contracts的解释 contracts的发音 contracts的同义词



contracts 基本解释

契约( contract的名词复数 );婚约;契约法;行贿;


contracts 网络解释

1. 合同:NIH资助项目繁多,按照资助形式主要分为基金(grant)、合同(contracts)与合作经定(cooperative agreements)三种. 其中基金是最主要的资助方式,支持各种与人类健康相关的研究项目和培训计划,一般由申请者个人提出研究目标,

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 契約:容易陷入紧张、恐惊、慌乱的情绪,例如:担心小偷上门,害怕瓦斯炉没关紧,害怕碰到坏人或有意外会发生等等此时若能意愿 (intend) 放下相关的因果业力 (karma)、同意 (agreements) 、契约 (contracts) 以及牵绊 (attachments

3. contracts的解释

3. 合同法:以哈佛大学为例,第一学年有六门必修课,其中民事程序法(Civil Procedure)、合同法(Contracts)、侵权法(Torts)、刑法(Criminal Law)和财产法(Property)会在秋季或者春季学期结课(美国大学法学院每年度新学期是在秋季开学),

4. contracts的翻译

4. (收缩):至于是outerlayer早于inner layer膨胀(expands)还是收缩(contracts),根据下文tension between the two layers,和逻辑的就只有K contracts. 或者,类似20题,你也可以做一个best guess.

contracts 单语例句

1. Due to the traditional belief that business partnerships should be based on mutual trust, many small companies in China do not sign contracts with overseas customers.

2. Sun says he is worried about business next year, when his contracts with wholesalers expire.

3. He said the deadline of tender is the end of March 2009, and that preliminary contracts would be signed by next June.

4. It also lost 98 million yuan in jet fuel hedging contracts by the end of October.

5. They leased land by signing contracts and agreements in the name of the village's economic cooperative to make a profit.

6. He predicted the seven firms would find ways to bypass the curbs through implicit promises that aren't written in contracts.

7. Li said that his company always contracts the operation rights to one driver who has to find another driver to jointly run the cab.

8. Lufthansa on Friday said it had conceded to offer permanent contracts to offer permanent contracts to some temporary cabin crew.

9. Verizon Wireless agreed to resolve a consumer lawsuit over early cancellation fees in mobile phone contracts by paying a $ 21 million settlement.

10. The cancellation came amid a review of defense contracts ordered since Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's new government came to power in elections last November.

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