
cool是什么意思 cool在线翻译 cool什么意思 cool的意思 cool的翻译 cool的解释 cool的发音 cool的同义词 cool的反义词 cool的例句 cool的相关词组

cool [ku:l]  [kul] 


cool 基本解释

形容词凉爽的; 冷静的; 一流的; 孤傲冷漠的

及物/不及物动词(使)变凉; (使)冷静,使冷却; 变凉,冷却; 平息

名词凉气,凉快的地方; 凉爽,凉爽的空气

cool 相关词组

1. cool it : 放松下来;

2. play it cool : 抑制住感情, 做出冷静的样子;

3. lose one's cool : 失去镇静, 失去自制力;

4. as cool as a cucumber : 极为冷静;

5. cool down : 变凉;

6. keep one's cool : 保持镇静, 保持自制力;

cool 相关例句


1. cool的反义词

1. He remained cool before the enemy.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Let's sit in the shade and keep cool.

3. I don't like the cool way you used my bicycle without my permission.


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. My anger has cooled.

cool 情景对话

Study abroad-(留学)

A:What are you going to do for your year abroad, Tim?


B:Study study study! I want to learn a lot.

A:You’re going to take courses?

B:Yes, I’m going to take some university courses there.

A:Sounds hard.

B:Yes, but I think it’s probably for the best.

A:Won’t you get lonely?


B:Hey, I’m a pretty cool guy; I’ll make friends. And I’ll have a lot of extra-curricular activities too. You know, like fencing or theater or something.



B:What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?


A:I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leadership./I have refined my management style by using an open-door policy.

B:How do you normally handle criticism?

A:Silence is golden. Just don't say anything; otherwise the situation could become worse. I do, however, accept constructive criticism. /When we cool off, we will discuss it later.

cool 网络解释

1. 凉爽:利用这个课件,能够让小朋友建立起温度数字大小和感觉的关系,比如现在是12摄氏度,感觉是热(hot)、温暖(warm)、凉爽(cool)、冷(cold)还是冻得瑟瑟发抖(freezing)呢?

2. cool:control oriented language; 面向控制的语言

cool 词典解释

1. 凉的;凉爽的;温度不高的
    Something that is cool has a temperature which is low but not very low.

    e.g. I felt a current of cool air...
    e.g. The water was slightly cooler than a child's bath...

His knees felt the coolness of the tiled floor.

2. 凉快的;凉爽的
    If it is cool, or if a place is cool, the temperature of the air is low but not very low.

    e.g. Thank goodness it's cool in here...
    e.g. Store grains and cereals in a cool, dry place.

Soon we left the coolness of the olive groves.

3. (衣服等)让人感觉凉爽的
    Clothing that is cool is made of thin material so that you do not become too hot in hot weather.

    e.g. In warm weather, you should wear clothing that is cool and comfortable.

4. (颜色)冷的;冷色调的
    Cool colours are light colours which give an impression of coolness.

    e.g. Choose a cool colour such as cream...
    e.g. The drawing-room was a cool silver green.

5. (使)变凉;(使)冷却;(使)降温
    When something cools or when you cool it, it becomes lower in temperature.

    e.g. Drain the meat and allow it to cool...
    e.g. Huge fans will have to cool the concrete floor to keep it below 150 degrees.

Being immobile in a cold room leads to a cooling of the body temperature.

6. (感觉、感情等)变淡,减弱,减少
    When a feeling or emotion cools, or when you cool it, it becomes less powerful.

    e.g. Within a few minutes tempers had cooled...
    e.g. His weird behaviour had cooled her passion.

7. (人、行为等)冷静的,沉着的,泰然自若的
    If you say that a person or their behaviour is cool, you mean that they are calm and unemotional, especially in a difficult situation.

    e.g. He was marvelously cool again, smiling as if nothing had happened...
    e.g. At that, Reno lost her cool composure.

Everyone must think this situation through calmly and coolly.
...coolly 'objective' professionals.
Detectives praised him for his coolness.

8. (人、行为等)冷漠的,冷淡的,不友善的
      If you say that a person or their behaviour is cool, you mean that they are unfriendly or not enthusiastic.


      e.g. I didn't like him at all. I thought he was cool, aloof, and arrogant...
      e.g. The idea met with a cool response...

It's your choice, Nina,' David said coolly.
She seemed quite unaware of the sudden coolness of her friend's manner.

9. (人、行为等)酷的,时尚的,吸引人的
      If you say that a person or their behaviour is cool, you mean that they are fashionable and attractive.

      e.g. He was trying to be really cool and trendy.
      e.g. ...some 15-year-old kid who thinks it's cool to do heroin.

10. 坦然接受的;心平气和的
      If you say that someone is cool about something, you mean that they accept it and are not angry or upset about it.

      e.g. Bev was really cool about it all.

11. 非常好的;特别棒的;绝妙的
      If you say that something is cool, you think it is very good.


      e.g. Kathleen gave me a really cool dress.

12. (尤指轻易得到的数额)巨大的,整整
      You can use cool to emphasize that an amount or figure is very large, especially when it has been obtained easily.

      e.g. Columbia recently resigned the band for a cool $30 million.

13. 冷静下来;别激动
      If you tell someone to cool it, you want them to stop being angry and aggressive and to behave more calmly.


      e.g. Can't you guys just cool it?

14. 保持冷静/失去冷静
      If you keep your cool in a difficult situation, you manage to remain calm. If you lose your cool, you get angry or upset.

      e.g. She kept her cool and managed to get herself out of the ordeal...
      e.g. The big Irishman was on the verge of losing his cool.

15. 假装冷静;故作镇定
      If you play it cool, you deliberately behave in a calm, unemotional way because you do not want people to know you are enthusiastic or angry about something.

      e.g. It's ridiculous to play it cool if someone you're mad about is mad about you too.

16. as cool as a cucumber -> see cucumber
      to cool your heels -> see heel

相关词组:cool downcool off

cool 单语例句


1. The government has just extended the special stamp duty and introduced a buyer's stamp duty to cool the property market.

2. Authorities have been trying to cool China's property market by discouraging investment buying that has helped drive prices out of reach for many city dwellers.

3. The CAAC saw the flight cuts as concrete steps to cool the overheating development of air transport which aggravated flight delays.

4. " You can do lots of really cool tricks, " he said.

5. There is a new place in Beijing that can cool you down this summer better than ice cream shops or swimming pools.

6. Slurp complimentary shots of eggnog, crunch on candy canes and cool off with snow cones while grooving to hot tunes.

7. Japan's nuclear crisis deepened as attempts by Japanese authorities to cool down overheated reactors with water cannon failed.

8. A carnival that promises to help participants cool off in summer has been underway since July 17 in Zhejiang province's scenic Grand Tianmu Canyon.

9. Chinese officials already have taken measures to cool the property market, imposing capital gains taxes in some cities and stricter lending guidelines.

10. There is some talk of imposing a capital gains tax to cool off speculation, which alarms investors.

cool 英英释义



1. great coolness and composure under strain

    e.g. keep your cool

    Synonym: aplombassurednesspoisesang-froid

2. the quality of being at a refreshingly low temperature

    e.g. the cool of early morning


1. loose heat

    e.g. The air cooled considerably after the thunderstorm

    Synonym: chillcool down

2. lose intensity

    e.g. His enthusiasm cooled considerably

    Synonym: cool offcool down

3. make cool or cooler

    e.g. Chill the food

    Synonym: chillcool down


1. marked by calm self-control (especially in trying circumstances)

    e.g. play it cool
           keep cool
           stayed coolheaded in the crisis
           the most nerveless winner in the history of the tournament

    Synonym: coolheadednerveless

2. fashionable and attractive at the time
    often skilled or socially adept

    e.g. he's a cool dude
           that's cool
           Mary's dress is really cool
           it's not cool to arrive at a party too early

3. (used of a number or sum) without exaggeration or qualification

    e.g. a cool million bucks

4. neither warm nor very cold
    giving relief from heat

    e.g. a cool autumn day
           a cool room
           cool summer dresses
           cool drinks
           a cool breeze

5. psychologically cool and unenthusiastic
    unfriendly or unresponsive or showing dislike

    e.g. relations were cool and polite
           a cool reception
           cool to the idea of higher taxes

6. (color) inducing the impression of coolness
    used especially of greens and blues and violets

    e.g. cool greens and blues and violets

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