
cortex是什么意思 cortex在线翻译 cortex什么意思 cortex的意思 cortex的翻译 cortex的解释 cortex的发音 cortex的同义词 cortex的反义词 cortex的例句

cortex [ˈkɔ:teks]  [ˈkɔ:rteks] 


cortex 基本解释

名词皮质; 树皮; 果皮

cortex 网络解释

1. 皮质:甲状腺素(2)皮质(cortex)激素催产素(oxytocin)和后叶加压素(vasopressin)G-蛋白(G-protein)是一种鸟苷酸结合蛋白,是由α、β和γ三个亚基组成的异三聚体,β和γ亚基总是紧密结合在一起作为一个功能单位GβγG白的循环(G Protein Cycle)蛋白活化之后,

2. 皮质层:经介绍了解到,当代的美发有许多技术专有名词(technical terms) ,如果在加拿大从事这门行业,也需要了解最为基础的一些中英文技术专有名词,例如正常发质(normal hair)、受损发质(damaged hair)、强韧发质(resistant hair)、表皮层(cuticle)、皮质层(cortex)、髓质层(medu

3. 皮层:2008年6月的爱思唯尔期刊<<大脑皮层>>(Cortex)刊登了英国伦敦大学学院的一项针对虚谈症的研究. 通过对50名患者的临床调查,研究人员推测大脑内侧前额叶皮层损伤是造成虚谈症的原因.

4. cortex的翻译

4. 大脑皮层:每个运动员都体验过跑步能让人兴奋的感觉,许多人也说他们有这方面的经历. 德国研究人员在最新一期爱思唯尔期刊<<大脑皮层>>(Cortex)杂志上发表文章说,民间关于跑步让人兴奋的说法有道理:跑步的确能导致大脑大量释放内啡呔.

5. cortex:communications oriented real – time executive; 面向通信的实时执行程序

cortex 词典解释

1. 皮层;皮质;大脑皮层
    The cortex of the brain or of another organ is its outer layer.

    e.g. ...the cerebral cortex.

cortex 单语例句


1. The participants who squelched their terror and pressed the " snake approach " button showed activation of a brain region called the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex.

2. This signature includes strong activation in a brain area called the anterior cingulate cortex.

3. They discovered it was found in the prefrontal cortex region by scanning the brain to look for bursts of activity when subjects were given choices.

4. Despite the permanent damage to her cerebral cortex, it took a while for people to cotton on that something was wrong.

5. In the prime of life, the cerebral cortex contains 25 billion neurons linked through 164 trillion synapses.

6. They discovered that the synapses on the human cerebral cortex developed five years later than that of the rhesus and chimpanzee.

7. The left cerebral cortex is the part of the brain that people use to move their right arm.

8. Researchers have seen differences in cortex thickness in other diseases as well.

9. People with damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex lack this intuition, and so they take inordinate time to make decisions in general.

10. Researchers used a medical brain scanner to look at activity patterns in the visual cortex.

cortex 英英释义



1. the tissue that surrounds the lens nucleus

    Synonym: lens cortex

2. the layer of unmyelinated neurons (the grey matter) forming the cortex of the cerebrum

    Synonym: cerebral cortexcerebral mantlepallium

3. the tissue forming the outer layer of an organ or structure in plant or animal

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