
cosecant是什么意思 cosecant在线翻译 cosecant什么意思 cosecant的意思 cosecant的翻译 cosecant的解释 cosecant的发音 cosecant的同义词

cosecant ['kəʊ'si:kənt]  ['koʊ'si:kənt] 

cosecant 基本解释


cosecant 网络解释

1. 余割:(cosine)、正切(tangent)、余割(cosecant)、正割(secant)和余切(cotangent). 22边角边公理(SAS) 有两边和它们的夹角对应相等的两个三角形全等23 角边角公理( ASA)有两角和它们的夹边对应相等的两个三角形全等24 推论(AAS) 有两角和其中一角的对边对应相等的两个三角形全等25 边边边公理(SSS) 有三边对应相等的两个三角形全等

2. 佘割:corundum刚玉石 | cosecant佘割 | cosineamplitude幅角余弦

3. cosecant

3. 余割 (数学):剛玉 corundum | 餘割 (數學) cosecant | 餘弦 (數學) cosine

4. cosecant的近义词

4. 余割Btu中国学习动力网:corresponding sides 对应边Btu中国学习动力网 | cosecant 余割Btu中国学习动力网 | cosine 余弦Btu中国学习动力网

cosecant 双语例句

1. With the overview of present MIMO antenna research, the thesis brings forward a new kind of polar diversity antenna array applied in MIMO base stations, which elements are planar printed dipoles. The beamforming technology is used to obtain a particular type of elevation pattern, which has square cosecant characteristic.
    本文在对目前MIMO 天线领域的研究动态进行概述的基础上,结合基站的自身特点,提出并实现了一种新型的基站极化分集波束赋形天线阵列,其阵元为平面印刷偶极子,阵列在俯仰面形成类似平方余割形式的方向图分布。

2. A kind of best baffle-beard suitable for applications in the dual-frequency base station antenna is presented, meanwhile, we adopt the PSO algorithm to optimize the parameters affecting antenna pattern such as the phase of the elements, the space between the elements, such that the pattern of antenna can be shaped in the vertical plane (the pattern in the vertical plane has Cosecant beam in the service area).

3. The inspection method of cosecant beam antenna is discussed in depth in this paper.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The research on inspection method of cosecant beam antenna

5. The results of flat-top wave beam and cosecant square wave beam, which are gained using this method, are fairly good, testifying this method is effective in beam shaping of conformal arrays.

6. A kind of singular integral equations of convolution type with variable coefficient and cosecant kernel

7. Discussion about Cosecant-Squared Lens Antenna

8. The concept of extra cosecant square antenna is described in this paper. The analysis and computational formulas of doubly curved reflector antenna with shaped beam are conducted in all details. The computing software diagram, designing method, the computational and practical results are also given.

9. As the inversion problem for singular integrals with cosecant kernel usually has no solution in case of index k < 0, we proposed and solved two different new forms of modified inversion problem in this paper.

10. cosecant是什么意思

10. So the value of array invariant is the key point of passive source ranging, which can be gotten by the derivative of the arriving time against the corresponding cosecant function of elevation angle. Second, the concept of generalized array invariant is proposed.

11. cosecant

11. Modification of the Inversion Problem for Singular Integrals with Cosecant Kernel

12. Value of the complement of the secant, called the cosecant.

13. The value, y, of the inverse function to cosecant at argument x.

cosecant 英英释义


1. ratio of the hypotenuse to the opposite side of a right-angled triangle

    Synonym: cosec

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