
counseling是什么意思 counseling在线翻译 counseling什么意思 counseling的意思 counseling的翻译 counseling的解释 counseling的发音 counseling的同义词

counseling ['kaʊnsəlɪŋ]  ['kaʊnsəlɪŋ] 

counseling 基本解释


counseling 网络解释

1. counseling是什么意思

1. 谘商:他投入人类成长运动(human growth movement),协助创建了好几个静心与治疗中心,而且在印度普那的奥修多元大学(Osho Multiversity)主持蜕变学院多年;最近几年,他在世界各地许多治疗机构及教育单位讲授课程,带领多种工作坊及训练,如谘商(counseling)、呼吸治疗(bre

2. 咨询服务:第二类学习支持服务或咨询服务(counseling),这主要包括给学生提供情感性和管理性的支持. 可以看出奥蒙德.辛普森的分类更为概括,他将艾伦.泰特的三分法变为二分法,将学习支持服务系统分为两个部分:学术性和非学术性学习支持服务,

3. [心理]咨询:心理咨询(counseling):指在良好的咨询关系基础上,由经过专业训练的心理师运用咨询心理学的有关理论和技术,对有一般心理问题的求助者进行帮助的过程,以消除或缓解求助者的心理问题,促进其个体的良好适应和协调发展.

counseling 单语例句

1. Collective counseling means collective communications focus on certain industry organized once a month by the way of collective discussion.

2. Every institution in Cambridge has its own psychological counseling service, and students are required to participate in community activities.

3. The statement also said public employment service providers must improve their services and offer free career counseling for home service providers.

4. A counseling center to cater to last year's earthquake survivors will also be opened in the city during the festival.

5. The Sunshine Community Correction Service Center provides psychological counseling, training in job skills and initially an allowance that probationers need to survive.

6. The chair at a counseling desk offering information about studying in Japan remains empty in an international education exhibition tour in Shanghai on March 18.

7. The lessons will inform students of the hazards of smoking and the center will additionally offer counseling.

8. Additionally, the public doubt the effectiveness of consultation preventing people from seeking psychological counseling.

9. Three schoolboys are receiving counseling after witnessing a classmate being eaten by crocodiles in South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region last week.

10. Americans who seek counseling from a member of the clergy, usually have to seek them out in a setting connected to their place of worship.

counseling 英英释义


1. something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action

    Synonym: guidancecounselcounsellingdirection

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