
counterfeit是什么意思 counterfeit在线翻译 counterfeit什么意思 counterfeit的意思 counterfeit的翻译 counterfeit的解释 counterfeit的发音

counterfeit [ˈkaʊntəfɪt]  [ˈkaʊntərfɪt] 


counterfeit 基本解释

名词仿制品,伪造物; 肖像,画像

及物/不及物动词仿制,造假; 假装,伪装

形容词仿造的,假冒的; 虚伪的

counterfeit 相关例句


1. counterfeit什么意思

1. It is a crime to counterfeit money.

2. It is against the law to counterfeit money.


1. This coin is a counterfeit.

counterfeit 网络解释

1. 仿冒:][QUOTE][i]原发表者是 ssttoonn [/i] [B]小弟比较疑惑的是 仿制(clone)和仿冒(counterfeit)的界线在哪里? [?] [/B][/QUOTE] 100%复制,当然包括商标、型号,当真品卖,应属仿冒. 明说采用相同组件、相同或类似外观处理,不包括商标、型号,

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 伪造:博德里亚尔的拟像的秩序或者客体再生产的方式背后蕴涵着一系列确定的假设:客体与符号、实体的本质与其表征以及能指与所指. 博德里亚尔认为存在三种典型的拟像的秩序:伪造(counterfeit)、生产(production)和模拟(simulation )( Baudrillard,1983).

3. 伪造的:国会发现,该类药品的转售(resale)导致标示错误的(mislabeled)、掺假的(adulterated)、药效减弱的(subpotent)和伪造的(counterfeit)药品销售给公众. 这项新的法律要求药品批发商(drug wholesalers)由州特许;限制从其他国家再进口;

counterfeit 词典解释

1. (钱、货物或文件)仿造的,假冒的
    Counterfeit money, goods, or documents are not genuine, but have been made to look exactly like genuine ones in order to deceive people.


    e.g. He admitted possessing and delivering counterfeit currency.

2. 仿造;假冒
    If someone counterfeits something, they make a version of it that is not genuine but has been made to look genuine in order to deceive people.


    e.g. ...the coins Davies is alleged to have counterfeited.

The business of counterfeiting appears to be expanding.
...a gang of counterfeiters.

counterfeit 单语例句

1. These people should realize that the more counterfeit goods they buy, the less room quality national and multinational manufacturers have to establish their brands.

2. A number of government administrations recently launched a combined operation against counterfeit handicrafts in the provincial capital city Zhengzhou.

3. The overall banking system has been augmented to stop illegal credit card use, counterfeit currencies and illegal foreign currency exchanges.

4. The notes were highly sophisticated forgeries and represented the largest counterfeit case this year.

5. It was not a simple counterfeit case since the suspects had arranged a complete operation system from purchasing raw materials to selling.

6. Under the policy an online store will be immediately closed and its cash deposit will also be deducted if it is caught selling counterfeit goods.

7. The packaging of the counterfeit medicine was similar to that of the actual product, but the knockoff was being sold at half the price.

8. It has been associated with counterfeit goods, such as cell phones or copies of brand name handbags.

9. The two administrations urged more toy manufacturers to apply for the certificates, adding they would also launch a crackdown on counterfeit certification symbols.

10. The incident caused much distraught because Wang's girlfriend suspected that he was purposely using counterfeit products to cheat her.


counterfeit 英英释义



1. a copy that is represented as the original

    Synonym: forgery



1. make a copy of with the intent to deceive

    e.g. he faked the signature
           they counterfeited dollar bills
           She forged a Green Card

    Synonym: forgefake



1. not genuine
    imitating something superior

    e.g. counterfeit emotion
           counterfeit money
           counterfeit works of art
           a counterfeit prince

    Synonym: imitative

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