
counterpart是什么意思 counterpart在线翻译 counterpart什么意思 counterpart的意思 counterpart的翻译 counterpart的解释 counterpart的发音

counterpart [ˈkaʊntəpɑ:t]  [ˈkaʊntərpɑ:rt] 


counterpart 基本解释


名词副本; 配对物; 相对物; 极相似的人或物

counterpart 相关例句


1. counterpart什么意思

1. The two cars are exact counterparts in make, model and color.

2. Night is the counterpart of day.

3. It has no counterpart in the world.

counterpart 网络解释

1. 配对物:艺妓,就像她们的低级别的配对物(counterpart)娼妓一样,经常在一个不寻常的位置,知道那个或这个社会名人是否像其他人一样,也穿了短裤. (如果一个职业女性知道这个男人或那个男人是否穿了内裤,那么这个女人是什么职业)本文章引用通告地址(TrackBack Ping URL)为:

2. counterpart

2. 同行:因此,中国历史上的商人充其量只是政府权力的代理人,丝毫无力量与威尼斯同行(counterpart)一样向上推进组织一个有利自身的政府,西方的资本主义要在中国萌芽,的确如黄仁宇所说,飞禽与走兽不可同日而语.

counterpart 词典解释

1. 职能(或地位)相当的人;对应的事物
    Someone's or something's counterpart is another person or thing that has a similar function or position in a different place.

    e.g. The Foreign Secretary telephoned his Italian counterpart to protest.
    e.g. The Finnish organization was very different from that of its counterparts in the rest of the Nordic region.

counterpart 单语例句

1. He was responding to his EU counterpart's call for China to further open its market to foreign competition and remove " unfair barriers " to European companies.

2. He made the comments in a phone call with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on Saturday night.

3. " I am ready to have candid and thorough discussions with you on bilateral energy cooperation, " Wang told his counterpart during the meeting.

4. President Xi Jinping and his Costa Rican counterpart Laura Chinchilla agreed to enhance cooperation between the two nations.

5. Skipper Strauss fell for 38 to his counterpart Chris Gayle - chopping an attempted cut onto his own wicket.

6. Its upright chrome grille presents a more formal silhouette than its sportier North American counterpart.

7. The Chinese civil aviation authority said it will communicate with its counterpart in Qatar on the matter and also inform international civil aviation organizations.

8. The world will see a more adequately prepared conference on the world economy in London than its historical counterpart amid the despair of 1933.

9. Hu said in a statement on arrival that he would discuss bilateral ties and issues of common concern with his Kazak counterpart.

10. Premier Wen Jiabao Thursday sent a message of condolence to his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh.

counterpart 英英释义


1. a duplicate copy

    Synonym: similitudetwin

2. a person or thing having the same function or characteristics as another

    Synonym: opposite numbervis-a-vis

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