
cricket是什么意思 cricket在线翻译 cricket什么意思 cricket的意思 cricket的翻译 cricket的解释 cricket的发音 cricket的同义词 cricket的反义词

cricket [ˈkrɪkɪt]  [ˈkrɪkɪt] 


cricket 基本解释

名词板球; 蟋蟀; 矮木凳




cricket 相关词组

1. not cricket : 不公平; 不正当;

cricket 网络解释

1. 蟋蟀:Spydeco(蜘蛛) 蟋蟀(Cricket)折刀-C29SBenchmade(蝴蝶)BM530梅尔.帕度(Mel Pardue)轻便刀因不了解而害怕,因害怕而恐惧,因恐惧而仇恨,因仇恨而造成灾害.

2. 板球(运动):当我们国家比他国更加关注板球运动(cricket)时,板球就会被疯狂迷恋. 能够被CNN-IBN(印度最具影响力的电视台之一)评选为2006年印度最佳运动员真是太好了.

3. cricket的翻译

3. 蟀:在人工饲育的环境下除了金鱼、蟋蟀(cricket)等活饵外,还可以喂与磷虾(krill)、冷冻鱼肉、香肠(sausage)、鱼卷、人工饲料等,如经过驯饵的话,还可以接受更多种的食物.

cricket 词典解释

1. 板球(运动)
    Cricket is an outdoor game played between two teams. Players try to score points, called runs, by hitting a ball with a wooden bat.

    e.g. During the summer term we would play cricket at the village ground.
    e.g. ...the Yorkshire County Cricket Club.

2. 不公正;不光明正大;不光彩
    If you say that someone's behaviour is not cricket, you mean that they have not behaved fairly.


    e.g. Their treatment of staff is definitely not cricket.

3. 蟋蟀;蛐蛐
    A cricket is a small jumping insect that produces short, loud sounds by rubbing its wings together.


cricket 单语例句

1. Former Test captain Ian Chappell said CA had to overhaul a flawed system that was once the envy of world cricket.

2. The Caribbean festival of cricket badly needed a lift after host West Indies lost for the third time in a row on Sunday.

3. Tait's shock announcement came just three days after Australia's vice captain Adam Gilchrist stunned the cricket world by announcing his retirement.

4. The cricket world has been rife with speculation that the strangulation of one of the world's best known cricket coaches involved cheating in matches.

5. Scoreboard after New Zealand beat Sri Lanka by 167 runs on the fifth day of the second cricket test in Colombo on Thursday.

6. Only a cricket Test match on Boxing Day between Australia and England at the same venue can even come close to matching that figure.

7. The Australian newspaper's chief cricket writer Malcolm Conn also feared that England's disappointing performance was a worrying sign for anyone expecting a close series.

8. The IPL said a postponement of the event is not possible due to the contractual obligations of the foreign players to their respective cricket boards.

9. " Cricket is set to make its debut, " Singh said.

10. Life of the general public was mostly not affected as many continued playing cricket just steps away from patrolling police and security forces in Islamabad.

cricket 英英释义


1. a game played with a ball and bat by two teams of 11 players
    teams take turns trying to score runs

2. leaping insect
    male makes chirping noises by rubbing the forewings together


1. play cricket

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