
cris是什么意思 cris在线翻译 cris什么意思 cris的意思 cris的翻译 cris的解释 cris的发音 cris的同义词 cris的反义词 cris的例句 cris的相关词组

cris [kri:s]  [kri:s] 

cris 基本解释



cris 网络解释

1. 克里斯:克里斯(Cris)是这个赛季才转会来到里昂的,本来里昂的俱乐部主席奥拉斯(Je_Michel_Aulas)给转会去巴塞罗那的巴西中卫埃德米尔森找个替代者,没想到克里斯来了球队之后很快就用自己的实际表现征服了主教练保罗.勒冈(Paul_Le_Guen),

2. 克莉絲:橘黄色车身还有火焰般的车身彩绘,更有拉风的尾翼克莉丝(Cris) 美丽迷人的小桃红跑车,偷偷告诉你她是汤尼的女朋友喔康波(Combo) 复古可爱的工程卡车,是汤尼的好麻吉内容简介汤尼是骗子?

3. cris在线翻译

3. 短剑:cripplehood 残废 | cris 短剑 | crises 危险

4. danci.911cha.com

4. cris:communication rights in the information society; 资讯社会的传播权

5. cris的反义词

5. cris:customer record information system; 用户纪录信息系统

6. cris

6. cris:corporate resource integration system; 企业资源整合系统

7. cris:command retrieval system; 命令检索系统

cris 双语例句

1. Cris Johnson: You've probably seen a lot of those shows - Mentalists, Magicians, Illusionists - and wondered if they're the real deal.

2. But they forget that we have Dani, Cris and even Formiga, who scored the first goal against the Germans.
    但是他们忘记我们有 Dani、波刃短剑和平坦的 Formiga ,他获得了对抗德国人的第一个目标。

3. cris的解释

3. Cris didn`t take this into concideration.

4. The French champions were linked with the former PSG man earlier in the summer, but may mount a bid after Cris suffered a serious knee injury in their Ligue 1 opener against Toulouse on Saturday, according to L'Equipe.

5. cris是什么意思

5. In the soundtrack album of Bangkok Traffic Love Story, Chris sings a slow song called Keu Kam Waa Rak.
    在《曼谷轻轨恋曲》的原声专辑中,Cris 延长了一首慢歌《爱这个字》。

6. Well i personally think that there really is nothing going on between cris and bipasu…i think she was just caught up in the moment…i mean who wouldn`t be? ?
    以及我个人认为有真的是没有去对之间的克里斯和bipasu …我认为她只是赶上了在目前…我的意思是谁不会吗?

7. Then you can pay me whatever you feel like. Je I'écris en anglais.

8. Galliani and Milan transfers chief Ariedo Braida, who has been very busy in the French market this season, are keen to add a new centre-half to the squad over the summer and among several names, Brazil international Cris was added following talks between the powerbrokers last week.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. The Cyres Lecture Series 该cyres系列讲座, in Dallas, begins on June 13th, with Dr Joe Dispenza, introduced by Cris.

10. The alloction of numbers three and four to Bayern Munich's Lucio and Bayer Leverkusen's Juan suggests they will fill the problem central defence positions rather than Cris or Luisao.

11. cris

11. Lyon president Jean-Michel Aulas confirmed an approach from Juve last week for Cris and teammate tiago.

12. cris

12. Cris Johnson: If I do what you want, you'll keep me in this chair forever.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. Cris Johnson: I've seen every possible ending. None of them are good for you.

14. I don't know Cris but Alex is really strong.

15. Cris Johnson: If I do what you want, youll keep me in this chair forever.

16. cris的解释

16. Also, the training is easy to forget, especially in the a cris i s.

17. cris是什么意思

17. That we are in the midst of cris is is now well understood.

18. Las Vegas showroom magician Cris Johnson has a secret which torments him: he can see a few minutes into the future.

19. cris

19. I have my skills, Cris has his.

20. cris

20. In my opinion, Cris is a much stronger and a much better opponent.

cris 单语例句

1. " It's a very compact team, " defender Cris said.

2. The area was " in chaos " and a thick smell of gunpowder hung in the air, said provincial spokesman Cris Puno.

3. Her second marriage to choreographer Cris Judd in 2001 lasted for nine months.

4. Her second marriage to choreographer Cris Judd in 2001 ended in nine months.

5. Cris said Brazil would need to watch out for Zidane, who he described as " the brains " of the French team.

6. Italian fashion company Cris Conf is planning to expand their business interests in the Chinese market by establishing more stores for different brands.

7. Lopez's marriage to backup dancer Cris Judd floundered just a few months after their September 2001 nuptials.

8. " He regained his form during this World Cup, " Cris said.

9. Lyon finished the game with 10 men after centre back Cris was sent off just before the hour.

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