
crook是什么意思 crook在线翻译 crook什么意思 crook的意思 crook的翻译 crook的解释 crook的发音 crook的同义词 crook的反义词 crook的例句

crook [krʊk]  [krʊk] 


crook 基本解释

名词骗子; 弯曲; 钩; 诡计

及物动词使成钩状; 使弯曲


形容词不正当的; 骗人的

crook 相关词组

1. on the crook : 狡猾地;

crook 相关例句


1. You wouldn't crook a friend, would you?


1. crook的意思

1. He carried the package in the crook of his arm.

2. She carried the parcel in the crook of her arm.

crook 网络解释

1. 曲柄杖:有人认为这条成语源自古代采邑制度,有权有势的采邑领主用钩刀(hook)随便砍树篱 上的木头,或者用牧羊人的曲柄杖(crook) 收集矮林中的树枝当柴火,所以有了这么一说.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 弯曲:①,抱着带着婴儿肥(chubby)的年幼的耶稣在他弯曲(crook)的单臂里;一个身形庞大的孤傲(remote)的圣母玛利亚,显然源自拉丁美洲. 而某个怪异的类似天使的黑色花岗岩(black granite)制品,甚至以我的双眼也无法在幽暗中仔细研究它,

3. 曲:2008-8-15 星期五(Friday) 晴①,抱着带着婴儿肥(chubby)的年幼的耶稣在他弯曲(crook)的单臂里;一个身形庞大的孤傲(remote)的圣母玛利亚,显然源自拉丁美洲.

crook 词典解释

1. 骗子;罪犯
    A crook is a dishonest person or a criminal.

    e.g. The man is a crook and a liar...
    e.g. Donaldson was a petty crook with a string of previous offences.

2. (肘或膝盖的)内侧
    The crook of your arm or leg is the soft inside part where you bend your elbow or knee.

    e.g. She hid her face in the crook of her arm.

3. 弯曲(手臂或手指)
    If you crook your arm or finger, you bend it.

    e.g. He crooked his finger: 'Come forward,' he said.

4. (主教或牧羊人用的)曲柄杖
    A crook is a long pole with a large hook at the end. A crook is carried by a bishop in religious ceremonies, or by a shepherd.


    e.g. ...a shepherd's crook.

5. 想方设法;不择手段
    If someone says they will do something by hook or by crook, they are determined to do it, even if they have to make a great effort or use dishonest means.

    e.g. They intend to get their way, by hook or by crook.

crook 单语例句

1. Goldman Sachs will pursue its own profit by hook or by crook.

2. They are the latest victims of the online media striving to increase website traffic by hook or by crook.

3. They are ready to enter the Chinese market by hook or by crook, inflating the real estate and stock market bubbles.

4. The quest for profit by hook or by crook has poisoned the social atmosphere.

5. From smuggling to selling kidneys, many Chinese are determined to get an iPhone by hook or by crook.

6. But by hook or by crook, we have managed to get her to come to Hong Kong.

7. A crook who stole a car was arrested after he became a victim of traffic congestion.

8. Mainland actor Zhang Guoli is the mysterious cast member who had been kept under wraps for crime thriller Lady Cop & Papa Crook.

9. Crook did not learn how to speak English until the age of eight.

10. A shoe factory owner recently discovered that someone not only burglarized his business but the crook also replaced the padlock.

crook 英英释义



1. a long staff with one end being hook shaped

    Synonym: shepherd's crook

2. someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime

    Synonym: criminalfelonoutlawmalefactor

3. a circular segment of a curve

    e.g. a bend in the road
           a crook in the path

    Synonym: bendtwistturn



1. bend or cause to bend

    e.g. He crooked his index finger
           the road curved sharply

    Synonym: curve

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