
crooning是什么意思 crooning在线翻译 crooning什么意思 crooning的意思 crooning的翻译 crooning的解释 crooning的发音 crooning的同义词



crooning 基本解释

低声吟唱;带感情地唱( croon的现在分词 );

crooning 双语例句

1. Like riding in the soft sand, just like walking in the Leap the bed, like a kind of carried away the feeling sharp waves were sunlight, an even one coming toward the shore Chung, people hand in hand, standing on the sea and the the beginning of standing at the junction of the beach, a huge wave flutter turn gave them, they one by one Shuaizhao hair, he kept laughing when that happens, I felt a sense of excitement could not tell, really want to bend over and crooning a strange and beautiful poems.

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2. This is a happy song, crooning in the brave heart.

3. Through the sadness of all things I hear the crooning of the Eternal Mother.

4. crooning的解释

4. Through the sadness of all things, I hear the crooning of the Eternal Mother.

5. crooning的近义词

5. The sea was like a blue velvet carpet, crooning in cadence to the tune of the breeze.

6. Openings edge of Death's constant dripping of water, along the shed door profiles, import dull the springs, it sound like a dead-ming sob's crooning, empty reverberating here.

7. Feng ER swept away one day my troubles, I can not help but singing crooning shallow.

8. crooning

8. Who once leant on the window crooning

9. Marguerite rang again, then she turned back to the piano and began quietly crooning a squalid song?

10. crooning

10. Through the sadness of all things i hear the crooning of the eternal mother.

11. Japan`s former premier Junichiro Koizumi, known for crooning Elvis Presley songs while in office, is lending his voice to a superhero movie, reports said Tuesday.

12. He would much rather have been crooning in a smoky bar

13. The man was crooning soft words of encouragement to his wife.

14. The mother was crooning a lullaby to her baby.

15. So they went, toiling up; she singing all the way, and Paul sometimes crooning out a feeble accompaniment.

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16. Her crooning soon put the child to sleep.

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17. Julio Iglesias, Spain's international crooning legend, never meant to be a singer.

18. There are many images of poets riding on donkeys and crooning poems left in ancient Chinese documents such as poetry and prose, history books, sketches and notes, and fiction.

19. crooning

19. The solo performance began shortly into the flight from Los Angeles to New York and her crooning quickly became too much for passengers and staff on the domestic flight last Thursday.

20. crooning

20. Through the sadness of all things I hear the crooning of the eternal mother.

crooning 单语例句

1. With the boat rocking and birds crooning a lullaby to us, it is easy to fall asleep.

2. Yan's two grandchildren's favorite performer used to be Taiwanese pop singer Jay Chou, but after seeing the show they started crooning the Red Songs too.

3. On the campaign trail, he wooed voters in part by crooning treacly ballads.

4. Most of them are of average quality, and most take their crooning painfully seriously.

5. Xu says he earns more than 500 yuan a day crooning on the subway, which is much more than he can get singing in the tunnels.

6. Xu then starts crooning, pausing to give brief explanations at the start of each song.

7. Although Yang is best known for crooning pop songs, he has been studying bel canto with Dai and plans to develop an operatic career.

crooning 英英释义


1. the act of singing popular songs in a sentimental manner

2. singing in a soft low tone

    e.g. her crooning soon put the child to sleep

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