
crouch是什么意思 crouch在线翻译 crouch什么意思 crouch的意思 crouch的翻译 crouch的解释 crouch的发音 crouch的同义词 crouch的反义词 crouch的例句

crouch [kraʊtʃ]  [kraʊtʃ] 


crouch 基本解释

不及物动词蜷伏; 屈膝,蹲伏; 卑躬屈膝




crouch 相关例句


1. The servant crouched to his master.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. She crouched by the fire to get warm.

3. There was a cat crouching in the corner.

crouch 网络解释

1. 蹲下:● 跳跃(Jump) 自己定义● 蹲下(Crouch) 自己定义● 以移动视点(Mouse Look) 自己定义● 往上看(Look Up) 自己定义● 往下看(Look Down) 自己定义● 缓慢移动(Walk Move) 较缓慢、安静的移动(如果玩家不想 让别人听到你的脚步声)●

2. 蹲伏:可是,克劳奇只得继续蹲伏(Crouch)了,至少,明年的欧洲杯上难以见到其高大但决不笨拙的身影.

3. crouch

3. 克劳奇:19 伦农(Lennon) 中场20 唐宁(Downing) 中场21 克劳奇(Crouch) 前锋22 卡森(Garson) 门将23 沃尔卡特(Walcott) 前锋国际足联的官发发言人在比赛后进一步解释说英格兰和巴拉圭的小组赛中唯一的一个进球将会被专门提出来讨论,

4. 蹲:fire 开火 | crouch 蹲 | jump 跳

crouch 词典解释

1. 蹲;蹲伏
    If you are crouching, your legs are bent under you so that you are close to the ground and leaning forward slightly.

    e.g. We were crouching in the bushes...
    e.g. I crouched on the ground...

2. 俯身接近
    If you crouch over something, you bend over it so that you are very near to it.

    e.g. Meantime, here I crouch over a cup of tea in my unheated study.
    e.g. ...sitting crouched over the steering wheel.

crouch 单语例句

1. " A number of musicians became influential and successful through appearances at Newport, " according to columnist and jazz historian Stanley Crouch.

2. Crouch and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms.

3. But Crouch at least was on the pitch for most of the match.

4. Gattuso had also pushed Crouch and grabbed him roughly during the game as he fought a solo running battle with the lanky forward.

5. He was hoping to avoid using Crouch as the lanky striker already has one yellow card and another would rule him out against Ecuador.

6. Not because of the lanky Peter Crouch or the imposing John Terry, but rather for the biggest sex symbol the football world has ever seen David Beckham.

7. Owen fell awkwardly and twisted his right knee as he went down, forcing Eriksson to send on Peter Crouch as a fourth minute substitute.

8. The model girlfriend of lanky footballer Peter Crouch is the star of a new campaign for men's deodorant range Lynx.

9. Crouch is convinced his best chance of scoring the goals on Wednesday that would make him an England hero lie with Beckham.

10. Crouch has been a maps and atlases dealer for 18 years and has set up a new store with his friend Nick Trimming.

crouch 英英释义


1. the act of bending low with the limbs close to the body



1. sit on one's heels

    e.g. In some cultures, the women give birth while squatting
           The children hunkered down to protect themselves from the sandstorm

    Synonym: squatscrunchscrunch uphunkerhunker down

2. bend one's back forward from the waist on down

    e.g. he crouched down
           She bowed before the Queen
           The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse

    Synonym: stoopbendbow

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