
cruiser是什么意思 cruiser在线翻译 cruiser什么意思 cruiser的意思 cruiser的翻译 cruiser的解释 cruiser的发音 cruiser的同义词 cruiser的反义词

cruiser [ˈkru:zə(r)]  [ˈkruzɚ] 


cruiser 基本解释

名词巡洋舰; [航海]观光游艇; 警察巡逻车

cruiser 网络解释

1. 旅游沙滩车:Trekking:登山越野车 | Cruiser:旅游沙滩车 | Bike Accessory/自行车零件

2. cruiser

2. 勘测者:cruise 森林勘查 | cruiser 勘测者 | cruising altitude 巡航高度

3. 巡洋舰、大型快船、游艇:Geophysical survey ship 地球物理勘探船 | Cruiser 巡洋舰、大型快船、游艇 | Canoe 独木船,皮舟

cruiser 词典解释

1. (可供住宿的)舱式游艇
    A cruiser is a motor boat which has an area for people to live or sleep.

    e.g. ...a motor cruiser.

2. 巡洋舰
    A cruiser is a large fast warship.

    e.g. Italy had lost three cruisers and two destroyers.

3. 巡逻警车
    A cruiser is a police car.

cruiser 单语例句

1. Buying a luxury cruiser usually costs at least $ 100 million, and putting it into operation will incur further layout.

2. He dons sterilized overalls before checking his communication equipment and his Toyota Land Cruiser before heading off to Beichuan for patrol and watch duties.

3. The coastal coordination and assistance center of Vladivostok announced on Sunday that a Russian coast guard cruiser saved eight foreign sailors trapped by bad weather.

4. The ventures in Jilin and Sichuan produce Land Cruiser sports utility vehicles.

5. The stylish cruiser departed from a yacht club's harbor and headed to Meifeng Island, which is said to offer the most panoramic view of the lake.

6. Two police officers face sanction after someone posted photographs on the Internet that show them sleeping inside a police cruiser.

7. A missile launched from a US Navy cruiser shot down a dying and potentially deadly US spy satellite deployed in the North Pacific late Wednesday.

8. The southern area of Tibet is popular with travellers since it is part of a land cruiser tour from Lhasa.

9. The wrecks of the Royal Australian Navy light cruiser and the German ship that sank it were only discovered last March.

10. Head chef Bob He has 19 years of culinary experience, including three years on a cruiser in the Mediterranean.

cruiser 英英释义



1. a large motorboat that has a cabin and plumbing and other conveniences necessary for living on board

    Synonym: cabin cruiserpleasure boatpleasure craft

2. a large fast warship
    smaller than a battleship and larger than a destroyer

3. a car in which policemen cruise the streets
    equipped with radiotelephonic communications to headquarters

    Synonym: police cruiserpatrol carpolice carprowl carsquad car

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