
cuff是什么意思 cuff在线翻译 cuff什么意思 cuff的意思 cuff的翻译 cuff的解释 cuff的发音 cuff的同义词 cuff的反义词 cuff的例句 cuff的相关词组

cuff [kʌf]  [kʌf] 


cuff 基本解释

名词护腕; 袖口,护腕,裤子翻边; <俚>手铐

及物动词给…上袖口(或翻边); 用手铐铐; 击掌; 轻拍

cuff 相关词组

1. off the cuff : 即席;

cuff 相关例句


1. cuff的意思

1. She cuffed the dog when she found it on the chair.


1. cuff的翻译

1. She only ironed the collar and cuffs.

2. The guard unlocked the cuffs of the prisoner.

3. He gave the pickpocket a good cuff.

4. Mother cuffed the dog when she found it asleep on a chair.

cuff 网络解释

1. cuff是什么意思

1. 袖口:牙龈软组织与种植体接触形成的界面即龈界面,上皮细胞粘附在种植体表面而形成生物学封闭,又称袖口(cuff). 种植体的成功与牙龈封闭的质量有直接关系. 牙龈软组织细胞是通过其表面特殊的蛋白多糖与种植体表面的血清蛋白的吸附层相互粘附,

2. 卡夫:____十八世纪中使用最广泛的显微镜:卡夫(Cuff)显微镜. ____因为这个显微镜是用来观察水族箱中的微生物的,所以它的镜身是水平放置的. 它同样使用齿轮调焦装置来完成调焦工作. 新式的齿轮升降装置使观察者可以观察到不同深度的情况.

3. cuff什么意思

3. 鞋帮:1、鞋帮(CUFF)不能高,但强度要足够支撑侧向的压力; 2、鞋壳一般是采用工程塑钢,碳纤维的更好,包脚性 ...

4. 袖:比如,脖子上的柔软领巾(Cravat),上衣袖口的蕾丝边和反褶袖(Cuff),荷兰式的斗状坠褶靴(Buckettopboots),带有缎带(Ribbonbow)和蔷薇花(Rosette)的裸靴.

5. cuff:citizens united to fight fraud; 全民联合对付诈骗

cuff 词典解释

1. 袖口
    The cuffs of a shirt or dress are the parts at the ends of the sleeves, which are thicker than the rest of the sleeve.

    e.g. ...a pale blue shirt with white collar and cuffs.

2. (裤脚的)外翻边,外卷边
    The cuffs on a pair of pants or trousers are the parts at the ends of the legs, which are folded up.

    e.g. ...the cuffs of his jeans.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 turn-up

3. (通常指轻而快地)拍,击(头或耳部)
    If you cuff someone, you hit them quickly and lightly with your hand, usually on their head or their ear.

    e.g. Brodie cuffed him on the side of the head.

4. 给…戴手铐
    If the police cuff someone, they put handcuffs on them.

    e.g. She hoped they wouldn't cuff her hands behind her back.

5. 未经准备(或思考)的;即兴的
    An off-the-cuff remark is made without being prepared or thought about in advance.

    e.g. I didn't mean any offence. It was a flippant, off-the-cuff remark...
    e.g. Mr Baker was speaking off the cuff when he made those suggestions.

cuff 单语例句

1. Bracelets usually come in strands, wrapping around the wrist like a cuff.

2. The former No 1 player in the world has appeared in four tournaments since undergoing surgery in October to repair her right rotator cuff.

3. He took playful digs at his frequent use of a teleprompter and Vice President Joe Biden's knack for speaking off the cuff.

4. TF requested the Chinese exhibitor remove its cuff buttons from the exhibition and face punishment.

5. Iverson sat out with a strained left rotator cuff, the result of a fall in Monday's victory over Miami.

6. Platinum faced soccer cuff buttons may be the best accessory for office ladies.

7. If the animal finds a rogue swimmer, it can clamp the cuff around the person's leg.

8. The witnesses said the pump sounded like a blood pressure cuff being pumped up.

9. Sullivan rolled up his cuff to investigate, and the scorpion fell out.

10. " The status of the rotator cuff was much better than was predicted, " Morgan was quoted as saying in the Boston Globe.

cuff 英英释义



1. the lap consisting of a turned-back hem encircling the end of the sleeve or leg

    Synonym: turnup

2. shackle that consists of a metal loop that can be locked around the wrist
    usually used in pairs

    Synonym: handcuffhandlockmanacle


1. confine or restrain with or as if with manacles or handcuffs

    e.g. The police handcuffed the suspect at the scene of the crime

    Synonym: manaclehandcuff

2. hit with the hand

    Synonym: whomp

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