
curd是什么意思 curd在线翻译 curd什么意思 curd的意思 curd的翻译 curd的解释 curd的发音 curd的同义词 curd的反义词 curd的例句 curd的相关词组

curd [kɜ:d]  [kɜ:rd] 


curd 基本解释


curd 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 凝乳:种类在前是点燃(kindle),蛇儿乘风来骗取(swindle),弟弟随风日渐少(dwindle)离开爱的要忍耐(abide),不爱你的要等待(bide)一条卷发(curl)他简短(curt),不要控制(curb)到凝乳(curd)Lucy刻苦攻读(lucubrate),

2. 凝块:事实上,奶业技术人员在从事其它乳制品生产的长期实践中,也遇到了大量与乳蛋白质变性有关的现象,为了结合理解未变性的乳蛋白质的营养价值,现就酸牛奶(yoghurt)和天然奶酪(natural cheese)两种发酵乳制品的凝块(curd)说起.

3. curd的反义词

3. 奶昔:炼乳 condensed milk | 奶昔 curd | 奶粉 milk powder

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 豆腐状物:cunner; japanese croaker 青鲈 | curd 豆腐状物 | cured cod 盐乾鳕

curd 词典解释

1. 凝乳(牛奶变酸后形成的白色黏稠物质)
    The thick white substance which is formed when milk turns sour can be referred to as curds .

curd 单语例句


1. State food additive standards generally stipulate that hydrogen peroxide can only be used to disinfect raw milk and dry soybean curd products.

2. " We make the jam and lemon curd here but the clotted cream comes from London, " says Crandall.

3. The warm and velvety curd melts in your mouth and you can taste the heat only as it slides down the throat.

4. But it is still in its land of origin that the bean and its curd have been used with the greatest creativity.

5. In the mouth the wine tastes like lemon curd and cashews, and the flavors linger like the memory of a great love affair.

6. Dry bean curd is made by each restaurant that serves it, so the flavor is guaranteed.

7. For those who haven't experienced it yet, tofu ru is a type of preserved bean curd.

8. Bean curd is eaten at every course on our dining table - from appetizer to entree to dessert.

9. The English translation of this dish in Yuxin is " Pockmarked grand ma's bean curd, " possibly overly graphic.

10. It is well known in China as it is as thin as hair and tastes as tender as bean curd.

curd 英英释义



1. coagulated milk
    used to make cheese

    e.g. Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating some curds and whey

2. a coagulated liquid resembling milk curd

    e.g. bean curd
           lemon curd

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