
cursed是什么意思 cursed在线翻译 cursed什么意思 cursed的意思 cursed的翻译 cursed的解释 cursed的发音 cursed的同义词 cursed的反义词 cursed的例句

cursed [kɜ:st]  [kɜ:rst] 


cursed 基本解释

形容词被诅咒的,邪恶的; 可恨的; 应受诅咒的


cursed 同义词

cursed 反义词


cursed 相关例句


1. It's a cursed thing to be in debt.

2. I wish that cursed dog would be quiet.

cursed 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 诅咒:2)第一季,<<诅咒>>(Cursed)一集中,一个十二岁的小男孩坚信自己因为询问了显灵板而受到诅咒. 最后,他被诊断出是被他父亲传染了麻风病,而他的父亲是在拜访南亚的一位宗教领袖时得了麻风. 3)第二季,<<皮肤深层>>(Skin Deep)一集中,

2. cursed的翻译

2. 被诅咒者:派屈克.路西亚曾经执导过<<吸血僵尸:惊情400年2>>(Dracula 2000)、<<尖叫3>>(Scream 3)、<<红眼航班>>(Red Eye)及<<被诅咒者>>(Cursed)等知名的恐怖片,此次将发生於1981年的故事以3D的形式展现,由地下矿场的意外事故引发的杀人案,

3. 被诅咒的:curse 诅咒 | cursed 被诅咒的 | cursely 该诅咒地

cursed 词典解释

The pronunciation /'kɜːsɪd/ is used for meaning 3. 义项3读作 /'kɜːsɪd/

1. 因…而遭殃的;受…折磨的
    If you are cursed with something, you are very unlucky in having it.

    e.g. Bulman was cursed with a poor memory for names.

2. 遭受诅咒的
    Someone or something that is cursed is suffering as the result of a curse.


    e.g. The whole family seemed cursed...
    e.g. The ground was cursed because of him.

3. (尤用于生气时加强语气)该死的,可恶的
    Cursed is used by some people to emphasize what they are saying, especially when they are angry.

    e.g. I wish this cursed place was burned.

cursed 单语例句


1. As the clock ticked for opposition members to call a vote, rival factions cursed and shoved as they fought for the parliamentary speaker's podium.

2. I still didn't know where the cursed coffee shop was and I was standing five meters away.

3. New inmates are frequently beaten and cursed at and sometimes made to crawl.

4. In Chinese folklore, girls born in Tiger years seem to be cursed.

5. The villagers'remarks scare her and her own fear of remarriage has strengthened her resolve and made her believe her life is cursed.

6. The second family tragedy in a residential complex in Daxing district has instilled fears in older homeowners that their neighborhood might be " cursed ".

7. An ancient Chinese soldier Lu Shenkang encounters a cursed tribal woman in war, and the two become wolves after seven nights together.

8. The award was established after many cases involving city management personnel's being cursed at and beaten were reported in recent months.

9. Police said the man then insulted the weight of one officer and then cursed and spit in his face.

10. He cursed the bad shots or took mock swings in anger - sometimes doing both.


cursed 英英释义



1. deserving a curse
    sometimes used as an intensifier

    e.g. villagers shun the area believing it to be cursed
           cursed with four daughter
           not a cursed drop
           his cursed stupidity
           I'll be cursed if I can see your reasoning

    Synonym: curst

2. in danger of the eternal punishment of Hell

    e.g. poor damned souls

    Synonym: damneddoomedunredeemedunsaved

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