
dare是什么意思 dare在线翻译 dare什么意思 dare的意思 dare的翻译 dare的解释 dare的发音 dare的同义词 dare的反义词 dare的例句 dare的相关词组

dare [deə(r)]  [der] 


dare 基本解释

及物动词敢; 敢做; 激(某人做某事); 问(某人)有没有胆量(做某事)

不及物动词敢; 敢于; 大胆; 无畏于



dare 同义词

dare 反义词



dare 相关词组

1. I dare say : 我想, 大概;

dare 相关例句


1. How dare he distort the facts so brazenly!


1. Tom didn't dare to do it.

2. He did not dare to leave his car there.

3. dare

3. He will dare any danger.


1. dare的反义词

1. I took his dare to jump.

dare 网络解释

1. dare:database of abstracts of reviews of effectiveness; 疗效评价文摘库

2. dare:data automatic reduction equipment; 数据自动简化设备

3. dare:data retrieval system; 数据检索系统

4. dare:differential analyzer replacement; 微分分析器更换

dare 词典解释

Dare sometimes behaves like an ordinary verb, for example ‘He dared to speak’ and ‘He doesn't dare to speak’ and sometimes like a modal, for example ‘He daren't speak’.
dare 有时用作普通动词,如,He dared to speak (他敢讲话)和 He doesn't dare to speak (他不敢讲话);有时又用作情态动词,如,He daren't speak (他不敢讲话)。

1. 敢;有足够的胆量
    If you do not dare to do something, you do not have enough courage to do it, or you do not want to do it because you fear the consequences. If you dare to do something, you do something which requires a lot of courage.

    e.g. Since he was stuck in a lift a year ago he hasn't dared to get back into one...
    e.g. Most people hate Harry but they don't dare to say so...

You can leave out the word to after dare in the above sense. Nobody dared complain. The form dares is never used in a question or in a negative statement. You use dare instead. Dare she tell him?... He dare not enter.
dare 用于以上义项时,其后的 to 可以省略:Nobody dared complain (没有人敢抱怨)。在疑问句或否定句中,不可用 dares, 而应用 dare:Dare she tell him (她敢告诉他吗),He dare not enter. (他不敢进去)。

2. 向…挑战;激…(做);问…有没有胆量(做)
    If you dare someone to do something, you challenge them to prove that they are not frightened of doing it.

    e.g. Over coffee, she lit a cigarette, her eyes daring him to comment...
    e.g. I dare you to sit through forty-five minutes with someone like Vincent!
           我想你绝不敢和文森特这样的人一起坐上 45 分钟!

3. 挑战;激将
    A dare is a challenge which one person gives to another to do something dangerous or frightening.


    e.g. He'd do pretty much anything on a dare...
    e.g. When found, the children said they'd run away for a dare.

4. (用于警告)不准,你敢
    If you say to someone 'don't you dare' do something, you are telling them not to do it and letting them know that you are angry.

    e.g. Don't speak to me like that. Don't you dare...
    e.g. Allen, don't you dare go anywhere else, you hear?

5. (表示震惊和愤怒) 你竟敢,你怎么敢
    You say 'how dare you'' when you are very shocked and angry about something that someone has done.

    e.g. How dare you pick up the phone and listen in on my conversations!...
    e.g. Suddenly the peace was destroyed by someone shouting, 'Get back! Go away! How dare you!'

6. 恕我冒昧;恕我直言
    You use 'dare I say it' when you know that what you are going to say will disappoint or annoy someone.

    e.g. Politicians usually attract younger women, dare I say it, because of the status they have in society.

7. (我想)可能,大概;想必
    You can use 'I dare say' or 'I daresay' before or after a statement to indicate that you believe it is probably true.

    e.g. I dare say that the computer would provide a clear answer to that...
    e.g. People always think I'm a fool, and I dare say they're right...

dare 单语例句

1. They are called a generation of change because they dare to stand out and live by their own definition.

2. Hey, don't you dare let your old man talk you out of going back to camp.

3. Others accept new orders cautiously according to the quantity of the order, since they dare not keep any stock to avoid possible risks.

4. Using the motto of " respect tradition and dare to innovate ", this version will make some dramatic changes in storyline and characterization.

5. They dare not use any stern words to criticize the students who disrupt classroom order for fear of being accused of " hurting student's self respect ".

6. That's why most employers do not dare to put it down as company policy and some even deny the existence of verbal warnings.

7. But since Peking is a city of the people now, foreigners dare not domineer and condescend anymore.

8. I dare say that every bus conductor in the city - perhaps even the country - used an identical device back then.

9. His absence allowed the Spurs to converge on Yao and dare the Rockets to shoot from the outside.

10. The increasing amount of money expected has created opportunities for those who dare to take advantage of their closest friends and family.

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