
deceased mother是什么意思 deceased mother在线翻译 deceased mother什么意思 deceased mother的意思 deceased mother的翻译 deceased mother的解释

deceased mother

deceased mother 双语例句

1. Ammy referred to her mother as Mara, now deceased.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. She gazed with deep feeling at the portrait of her deceased mother.

3. deceased mother在线翻译

3. As the team runs tests, they realize Irene is carrying on conversations with her long-deceased mother, who she believes is sitting in the room with her...

4. FAMILY: Father: James; mother: Carrie (postal worker; deceased wife: Asake Bomani; daughter: Mandisa Also, Mel Gibson and Jet Li are his good friends on screen and off screen.

5. His parents'marriage is only legal in Australia, his mother being his father's deceased wife's sister.

6. A month after the China quake, Sichuan villager Huang Yong was still inconsolable. Obsessed by a photograph of her deceased daughter, the bereaved mother wasn't eating or sleeping. But with the aid of Tzu Chi volunteers, Huang Yong has slowly turned her grief into care for other children.

7. A short story, it tells how Ruth, the Moabite widow of a Bethlehemite, with her mother - in - law Naomi's assistance, married an older kinsman Boaz, thereby preserving her deceased husband's posterity and becoming an ancestor of King David.
    短篇小说,它告诉如何罗思,摩押石碑的遗孀一bethlehemite ,与她的母亲-在-法律纳奥米的援助,已婚的旧亲人博阿兹,从而维护她的已故丈夫的后代,并成为一个祖先大卫王。

8. deceased mother

8. Melinda is approached by the deceased mother of an amateur boxer who wants Melinda's help in reuniting her husband and son after her death caused them to be estranged.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. The white carnation: Thinking of to deceased mother.

10. Oscar said the deceased's daughter, she rushed to the scene, saw the mother's body, except his face sallow, but not strange.

11. Over, he will scatter the ashes of the dead of deceased mother into the sea but die unfortunately.

12. You just now took leave of your deceased mother, you say?

13. The fact that my mother is deceased is no secret.

14. She wondered if he could see her just as well, the yellow seersucker dress with ruffles around the armholes and her deceased mother's straw hat that she had chosen to wear.

15. Fighting off despair, she lit a candle and placed it next to a photograph of her deceased mother.

16. I am sorry to hear of your deceased mother.

17. I had this dream that my deceased mother was trying to kill me.

18. Andy Hui has 3 most important women in his life, the first most important one is his deceased mother.

19. From his recently deceased mother claiming Gusteau is his father?

20. Vitas said he draws inspiration for his songs from his deceased mother, who was the most important person in his life.

deceased mother 单语例句

1. The incident was apparently triggered on March 20, after the pair began arguing about their feelings toward their deceased mother.

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