
dedication是什么意思 dedication在线翻译 dedication什么意思 dedication的意思 dedication的翻译 dedication的解释 dedication的发音 dedication的同义词

dedication [ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃn]  [ˌdɛdɪˈkeʃən] 


dedication 基本解释

名词奉献; 献身精神; 教堂的)献堂礼; (书等作品上的)题词

dedication 相关例句


1. His dedication to teaching gained the respect of his colleagues.

2. The archbishop attended the dedication of the new church.

dedication 网络解释

1. 奉献:(二重奏早年与FONO签约发行的唱片<<奉献>>(Dedication)于1999年以<<巴赫、道奇森、多美尼哥尼、塞纳蒙的作品>>为标题再度发行. )

2. dedication的反义词

2. 献:他们拥有着让全世界战队都为之羡慕的众多大牌赞助商,<<华盛顿邮报>>为他们的队员写专栏文章,他们渴望(Desire)胜利、他们有着钢铁般的纪律(Discipline)、他们愿意为CS奉献(Dedication)出自己的一切!

3. 献身:从<<黄土地>>,<<孩子王>>,到<<霸王别姬>>,这位导演从一开始就好像真在献身(Dedication)於什麽,他经过的路一定是很艰难的. 我也没有在报刊上看到过他的全述. 但他的路还是走过来了,他看来手上的招数比林黛玉、晴雯或程蝶衣皆多些,

dedication 词典解释

1. (书等的)题献;(戏剧、音乐作品等表演之前的)献词
    A dedication is a message which is written at the beginning of a book, or a short announcement which is sometimes made before a play or piece of music is performed, as a sign of affection or respect for someone.

dedication 单语例句

1. The professionalism and dedication of the Chinese language teachers and supporting staff at the University of International Business and Economics was very impressive.

2. Even in the contemporary business culture, dedication to duty is cherished as one of the most important ethics.

3. I know that this dedication is driven by a deep care for the welfare of the Chinese people.

4. The occasion gave students every opportunity to show off their singing, dancing and chorus talents and to impress their parents with their dedication to their stagecraft.

5. I commend Ambassador Zhou for his longtime dedication to public service on behalf of the Chinese people.

6. His dedication extended to walking around the field with a battery torch late at night, if he had been away during the day.

7. Some private companies owe their success to hard work and dedication, but others have become overnight successes through sketchy shortcuts and bribing corrupt officials.

8. McEnroe appreciates Roddick's and Blake's dedication to the Davis Cup.

9. Venezuela has seen 15 elections or referendums in Chavez's decade, which Chavez supporters say proves his dedication to democracy and which supporters call tiresome.

10. In the past the dedication to GDP growth has resulted in great improvements in material prosperity - but look at how narrowly we define prosperity.

dedication 英英释义


1. the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action

    e.g. his long commitment to public service
           they felt no loyalty to a losing team

    Synonym: commitmentallegianceloyalty

2. complete and wholehearted fidelity

3. a short message (as in a book or musical work or on a photograph) dedicating it to someone or something

    Synonym: inscription

4. a message that makes a pledge

    Synonym: commitment

5. a ceremony in which something (as a building) is dedicated to some goal or purpose

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