
defensive是什么意思 defensive在线翻译 defensive什么意思 defensive的意思 defensive的翻译 defensive的解释 defensive的发音 defensive的同义词

defensive [dɪˈfensɪv]  [dɪˈfɛnsɪv] 

defensive 基本解释

形容词防御用的,防守的; 辩护的; 自卫的

名词守势; 辩护

defensive 反义词

defensive 网络解释

1. 防守:比较重要的是SCRIPT项,提高它你可以确定你的队员在对敌时的行动(AI). 基本上每种职业都包括了:防守(DEFENSIVE),进攻(AGGRESSIVE),消极防守(PASSIVE,即你的队员只有在遭攻击时才会还击),远程攻击(RANGEDATTACK)

2. 防御的:帽子、方形的(Angular) 杜克帽子、粗糙的(of Fierce) 神之刃双手剑、胜利的(Victorious) 钓竿、玫瑰(of Rose) 小锄头、才能(of Talent) 裁缝工具箱、食人魔(of Orge) 短弓、方形的(Angular) 杜克帽子、防御的(Defensive) 采集用小刀、食人

defensive 词典解释

1. 防御(性)的;防卫(用)的;保护的
    You use defensive to describe things that are intended to protect someone or something.

    e.g. The Government hastily organized defensive measures against the raids...
    e.g. The union leaders were pushed into a more defensive position by the return of a Republican Congress in November.
           由于 11 月份共和党重新控制了国会,工会领导人被推到更加被动防守的位置。

2. (表现在行为上)防御的,戒备的,卫护的
    Someone who is defensive is behaving in a way that shows they feel unsure or threatened.


    e.g. Like their children, parents are often defensive about their private lives.
    e.g. She heard the blustering, defensive note in his voice and knew that he was ashamed.

'Oh, I know, I know,' said Kate, defensively.
He felt a certain defensiveness about his position.

3. 处于防御姿态;处于守势
    If someone is on the defensive, they are trying to protect themselves or their interests because they feel unsure or threatened.

    e.g. Accusations are likely to put the other person on the defensive...
    e.g. He smiled, not wanting to put the man on the defensive.

4. (体育运动中的打法)防守(型)的
    In sports, defensive play is play that is intended to prevent your opponent from scoring goals or points against you.


    e.g. I'd always played a defensive game, waiting for my opponent to make a mistake.

Mexico did not play defensively.

defensive 单语例句

1. The documents call for strengthening the investigation of the changing sea level, regulating coastal construction projects and building defensive facilities to mitigate the effects of marine disasters.

2. We also tell the world candidly that the Chinese defense policy is always defensive in nature.

3. China lacks qualified financial professionals and therefore, has remained largely defensive in the face of the impact from international capital flows.

4. It was Chandler's second award this month as he was recently named the NBA Defensive Player of the Year.

5. Durant himself showed vast improvement in his defensive skills, clamping down on Kobe in the Thunders'surprising playoff run last year.

6. Prince is a top defensive forward who helped limit LeBron James to 10 points Monday night in the Pistons'victory over Cleveland.

7. New coach Flip Saunders has made a good defensive team equally effective on offense.

8. Some Texans fans still complain the team didn't take Young with the first pick in the 2006 draft and instead selected defensive end Mario Williams.

9. Building a strong military force while sticking to a defensive military strategy constitutes an important component of China's peaceful development.

10. Such attacks forced the Hong Kong government to take defensive action by buying index constituent stocks worth more than HK $ 100 billion.


defensive 英英释义


1. an attitude of defensiveness (especially in the phrase `on the defensive')

    Synonym: defensive attitude



1. intended or appropriate for defending against or deterring aggression or attack

    e.g. defensive weapons
           a defensive stance

2. attempting to justify or defend in speech or writing

    Synonym: justificativejustificatory

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