
demanding是什么意思 demanding在线翻译 demanding什么意思 demanding的意思 demanding的翻译 demanding的解释 demanding的发音 demanding的同义词

demanding [dɪˈmɑ:ndɪŋ]  [dɪˈmændɪŋ] 


demanding 基本解释

形容词苛求的; 要求高的; 强求的; 费力的,吃力的

动词要求(demand的ing形式); 查问


demanding 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 要求:Halliday认为给予(giving)和要求(demanding)是语言最基本的两种任务. 因为交际物品可以是信息(information)也可以是物品和服务(goods&service),所以在交际过程中就形成了四种言语功能,即陈述、提问、提供和命令. 我们从语料中发现.

2. 需要的:9 C 逻辑推理词义比较 附加学习的规律告诉我们,突击学习是学习学校课程中便利的(convenient),有时也需要的(demanding),且快速的(swift)的方法,但他不是令人满意的(satisfactory)方法.

3. 要求高的:delicious 美味可口的 | demanding 要求高的 | describle 值得要的

4. 要求严格的:halfway through (本不是短语,可作为短语来记)完成一半了 | demanding 要求严格的 | doze off 打盹

demanding 词典解释

1. 费时的;费力的;劳神的;要求很高的
    A demanding job or task requires a lot of your time, energy, or attention.


    e.g. He found he could no longer cope with his demanding job...
    e.g. It is a demanding role and she needs to work hard at it.

2. 难伺候的;难取悦的;挑剔的;苛刻的
    People who are demanding are not easily satisfied or pleased.


    e.g. Ricky was a very demanding child...
    e.g. Her boss was very demanding but appreciative of Christina's talents.

demanding 单语例句

1. Cab drivers went on strike in another two Chinese towns on Monday, demanding government intervention on issues including high monthly cab rental fees and unlicensed taxis.

2. Palestinian cabinet minister Saeb Erekat condemned any relocation of Gaza settlers to the West Bank, demanding the removal of all settlements from the occupied territories.

3. Simatai Great Wall also has a cable car for those who wish to avoid the demanding hike up the wall.

4. Canada's Parliament approved a nonbinding opposition motion on Monday demanding an election next February, a demand the minority Liberal government has already said it will ignore.

5. A protester holding a placard shouts slogans during a candlelight march in Tokyo August 11, 2006 demanding Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to stop visiting the Yasukuni Shrine.

6. In Iran's parliament Tuesday, more than 200 legislators released a statement demanding capital punishment for protest leaders.

7. Thousands of gay and lesbian activists were expected to converge on the White House and Capitol yesterday demanding civil rights protections in all 50 states.

8. Sudoku is more demanding, but in the end it falls into a routine activity as well.

9. It's physically demanding for a groom to carry his bride down the stone steps to the wedding car.

10. Wang burst into the restroom Xiao Hong and her daughter were using one day, wielding a knife and demanding her cash.

demanding 英英释义


1. requiring more than usually expected or thought due
    especially great patience and effort and skill

    e.g. found the job very demanding
           a baby can be so demanding

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