
deposition是什么意思 deposition在线翻译 deposition什么意思 deposition的意思 deposition的翻译 deposition的解释 deposition的发音 deposition的同义词

deposition [ˌdepəˈzɪʃn]  [ˌdɛpəˈzɪʃən] 


deposition 基本解释

名词沉积(物); [律](在法庭上的)宣誓作证,证词; 免职,革职


deposition 相关例句


1. He made a deposition that he had witnessed the accident.

deposition 网络解释

1. deposition的翻译

1. 沉淀:它等于在生物组织单位质量中所沉淀(Deposition)的能量率. 它的单位可表示为每公斤组织瓦(W/kg). 通过比吸收率可比较在不同动物中所测得的结果,以及将动物测得和结果外推到人体中来. 比吸收率能够考虑热效应和非热效应.

2. 沈积:在含氧 的环境中,以加热氧化(Oxidation)的方式在晶圆的表面形成一层厚约数百个的二氧化矽( )层,紧 接著厚约1000到2000的氮化矽( )层将以 化学气相沈积(Chemical Vapor Deposition;CVP)的方 式沈积(Deposition)在刚刚长成的二氧化矽上,

3. 薄膜沉积:薄膜太阳电池产业于2006年开始起飞,由于预估未来薄膜太阳电池制程设备的庞大市场,因此掌握CVD、PVD在薄膜沉积(Deposition)、图案化(Patterning)与封装(Packaging)等薄膜组件制造技术的半导体与TFT LCD关键制程设备厂商,

deposition 词典解释

1. (未到庭证人提供的)作证书,书面证词
    A deposition is a formal written statement, made for example by a witness to a crime, which can be used in a court of law if the witness cannot be present.

    e.g. The jury heard 200 pages of depositions.
           陪审团听取了长达 200 页的书面证词。

2. 沉淀;沉积
    Deposition is a process in which layers of a substance are formed inside something or on its surface over a period of time.

    e.g. Continued deposition of silt along the coast is crucial in counteracting the rise in sea level...
    e.g. This leads to calcium deposition in the blood-vessels.

3. 罢免;废黜
    The deposition of a political leader is the removal of him or her from office.

    e.g. It was this issue which led to the deposition of the king.

deposition 单语例句

1. The cannabis smoker inhales more deeply and for longer, facilitating the deposition of carcinogens in the airways.

2. Examination of the tissue of the mice revealed mild cellular infiltration and decreased mucus deposition in the airways.

3. Hong Kong's Department of Justice flew a legal team, including Chief Magistrate Tong Man to Vancouver to hear the deposition.

4. Van Flein said Palin would like to release a transcript of her deposition.

5. She testified in a deposition that she was considering bankruptcy and that a bank recently foreclosed on one of her properties.

6. Wu Dong said one passenger has provided a written deposition stating the driver looked back when Xu began shouting for help.

7. The deposition offers several other glimpses into Hilton's life, including her preference for David Letterman because Jay Leno asks questions she doesn't like.

8. Chen stressed in his deposition that he was the sole user of all four computers involved in the case.

9. Jackson had intended to travel to Gary in May, one day after his scheduled visit to Indianapolis to give a deposition.

10. " I ripped the corner off of one, " Kitts said during a deposition in a lawsuit filed by Dunne's estate.

deposition 英英释义



1. the act of deposing someone
    removing a powerful person from a position or office

    Synonym: dethronement

2. the act of putting something somewhere

    Synonym: deposit

3. (law) a pretrial interrogation of a witness
    usually conducted in a lawyer's office

4. the natural process of laying down a deposit of something

    Synonym: deposit

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