
derrick mast是什么意思 derrick mast在线翻译 derrick mast什么意思 derrick mast的意思 derrick mast的翻译 derrick mast的解释 derrick mast的发音

derrick mast [ˈderɪk mɑ:st]  [ˈdɛrɪk mæst] 

derrick mast 基本解释


derrick mast 网络解释

1. 扒杆:derrick lighter 起重驳 | derrick mast 扒杆 | derrick post 吊杆柱

2. derrick mast

2. 起重桅:derrick mast 吊货杆桅 | derrick mast 起重桅 | derrick pendant 吊货索

3. 吊货杆桅:derrick lighter 起重船 | derrick mast 吊货杆桅 | derrick mast 起重桅

4. 井架:基础养护 concret foundation curing | 井架 derrick; mast | 塔形井架 pyramid mast

derrick mast 双语例句

1. The fixed set of pulleys located at the top of the derrick or mast, over which the drilling line is threaded.

2. One of the rig crew members who gets his name from the fact that he works on a platform attached to the derrick or mast, typically 85 ft [26 m] above the rig floor, during trips.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. In a typical trip out of the hole, the derrickman wears a special safety harness that enables him to lean out from the work platform to reach the drillpipe in the center of the derrick or mast, throw a line around the pipe and pull it back into its storage location until it is time to run the pipe back into the well.

4. Of bridge could be improved Truss lifting tool adopts for derrick mast hoist that had been made by our unit, readymade member will be lifted and positioned. It is of the feature of simple construction equipment and quick construction progress and a potential of popularization.

5. Can in the circular place and its sky homework, much used for open-air pack to unload and install etc. work, have a derrick and float to swim a derrick, mast derrick, wall a line derrick and the deck derrick etc. s.

6. Derrick on Tianlun and rope set up the runway, the installation of hoists, winches double (3t) double rope traction, transport staff and lining materials; hoists the runway with a winch (2t) to tighten, In addition, the site symmetry at the bottom of the derrick cantilever mast for two, with two winches (3t) upgrading of materials, two separate winch (1t) Luffing operation.
    井架上设天轮和钢丝绳跑道,装置吊笼,用双卷扬机(3t )双绳牵引,运输人员和内衬材料;吊笼跑道用一台卷扬机(2t )收紧,另外,在井架底部对称部位设悬臂桅杆两台,用两台卷扬机(3t )提升物料,另设两台卷扬机(1t )变幅操作。

7. Finite element calculation of no guy wire mast type offshore derrick

8. Finite element analysis of a mast type derrick of 80 t offshore workover rig is carried out.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. The frame of mast derrick that is designed for hydraulic wheel tractor hoist adopt welding of armor plate, its section is oblong armor plate, and its material is HG60.

10. derrick mast

10. Wind force is a main external force acting on the ship and is effec-ted by ship body, the form and the position of the Superstructure and the deck outfit (main mast, signal mast, derrick, ventilator and so on).

11. Do not leave pipe or collars that are not in use standing in mast or derrick.

12. Do not throw objects off the floor, mast or derrick.

13. derrick mast

13. So it is more accurate, scientific and reasonable that the dynamic response analysis is conducted to ensure that the derrick mast design and safety assessment.

14. Tools carried into the derrick or mast should be secured to the body.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. Calculation and stress test on 720 kN mast derrick

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