
descendant是什么意思 descendant在线翻译 descendant什么意思 descendant的意思 descendant的翻译 descendant的解释 descendant的发音 descendant的同义词

descendant [dɪˈsendənt]  [dɪˈsɛndənt] 


descendant 基本解释

名词后裔; 后代; (由过去类似物发展来的)派生物; 弟子

形容词下降的; 祖传的

descendant 同义词

descendant 反义词


descendant 相关例句


1. descendant在线翻译

1. He is a descendant of Confucius.

descendant 网络解释

1. 后代:而这些网站又没有拉广告的植牙 ...在学习XPath之前你应该对XML的植牙节点,元素,属性,原子值(文本),处理指令,注释,根节点(文档节点),命名空间以及对节点间的植牙关系如:父(Parent),子(Children),兄弟(Sibling),先辈(Ancestor),后代(Descendant)等概念有所了解.

2. 子代:根据预设, 项目及它的子代 (Descendant) 会套用至组态套用的任何 Web 服务或 Proxy 类别. 套用组态是依应用程式类型来套用,如下所示:加入指定的服务描述格式扩充功能 (SDFE) 类别,以定义如何扩充为 Web 服务产生的服务描述 (WSDL 文件).

3. 子孙:祖先(ancestor)节点与子孙(descendant)节点:如图,A是所有节点的祖先,所有节点是A的子孙;而F是K与L的祖先,K与L是F的子孙. 父节点(parent node)与子节点(children node):如图,B直接连到E与F且只差一个阶度,则B为E与F的父节点,

4. descendant的近义词

4. 子孙, 后裔, 后代:vessel flag nation 船旗国 | descendant 子孙, 后裔, 后代 | overvoltage suppressor 超压抑制器, 避雷器

descendant 词典解释

1. 后代;后裔;子孙
    Someone's descendants are the people in later generations who are related to them.

    e.g. They are descendants of the original English and Scottish settlers.
    e.g. ...Lord Cochrane and his descendants.

2. 派生物;衍生物;后代产物
    Something modern which developed from an older thing can be called a descendant of it.


    e.g. His design was a descendant of a 1956 device...
           他的设计是从一个 1956 年的装置衍生而来的。
    e.g. They are the descendants of plants imported by the early settlers.

descendant 单语例句


1. His family claimed to descend from an early Mongol governor of Yunnan and a descendant of King Muhammad of Bukhara.

2. He was a descendant of Peking Man, but much more evolved.

3. Netizens began calling for a DNA test and someone who declared himself Cao's descendant said he would be prepared to take such a test.

4. Halin believes her family history as a Torghut descendant helped mold her distinctive voice and stage presence.

5. Morgan said the deceased owner of the home where the photo was found was thought to be a descendant of John.

6. She is a descendant of a noble Manchu family of the Yellow Banner Clan, some members of which were ministers of state under the Qing emperor.

7. In that way, we can educate our descendant as a generation with creative mind and creative competence.

8. He bought the slice from a private seller who is a descendant of a noble family from Kent.

9. Being a descendant of China's greatest thinker, he put the experience into the context of comparative cultures.

10. HOHHOT - Scientists said on Sunday that they have finished sequencing the genome of a direct descendant of Genghis Khan.

descendant 英英释义



1. a person considered as descended from some ancestor or race

    Synonym: descendent


1. proceeding by descent from an ancestor

    e.g. descendent gene

    Synonym: descendent

2. going or coming down

    Synonym: descendent

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