
desperate是什么意思 desperate在线翻译 desperate什么意思 desperate的意思 desperate的翻译 desperate的解释 desperate的发音 desperate的同义词

desperate [ˈdespərət]  [ˈdɛspərɪt] 

desperate 基本解释


形容词绝望的; 由绝望而引起的; 铤而走险的,孤注一掷的; 急切的,极度渴望的

desperate 同义词

desperate 反义词

desperate 相关例句


1. He was desperate when he lost all his money.

2. A desperate man will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

3. He was desperate for work to provide for a large family.

4. desperate的近义词

4. The man lost in the desert was desperate for water.

5. His failure made him desperate.

desperate 网络解释

1. 绝望:我感觉到自己渐渐失去了对文字的控制能力,根本无法我文字捕捉到脑中一瞬而逝的意象. 偶尔拼命写几个字,言不及义,悲痛得要命,却持续不了多久. 以前是悲观,后来是绝望(DESPERATE) 而现在是麻木. 麻木也好,不会有多大苦痛,即使迫害再深,亦无多大欣喜,即使垂青再意外.

2. 沮丧:这些中年工人主角的表情近乎麻木,如同木偶,然而从他们的瞳孔中绝望的精光反射当中,我们仿佛瞥见他们深切渴望却失落而无奈的灵魂,那是一个个被生活浇熄了热能的灵魂,一个个沮丧(Desperate)而疲惫(Exhausted)的灵魂,

3. 绝望,不顾死活的:despair 失望,绝望 | desperate 绝望,不顾死活的 | despondency 意气消沈,失望

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. 令人绝望的,危急的:design计划;设计 | desperate令人绝望的,危急的 | despite憎恨,轻视

desperate 词典解释

1. (因绝望而)孤注一掷的,铤而走险的,拼命的
    If you are desperate, you are in such a bad situation that you are willing to try anything to change it.

    e.g. Troops are needed to help get food into Kosovo where people are in desperate need...
    e.g. Desperate with anxiety, Bob and Hans searched the whole house...

Thousands are desperately trying to leave their battered homes.

2. 极需要的;渴望的
    If you are desperate for something or desperate to do something, you want or need it very much indeed.

    e.g. They'd been married nearly four years and June was desperate to start a family...
    e.g. People are desperate for him to do something.

He was a boy who desperately needed affection.

3. 极困难的;极严重的;极危险的
    A desperate situation is very difficult, serious, or dangerous.


    e.g. India's United Nations ambassador said the situation is desperate...
    e.g. I decided not to abandon John when he was in such a desperate position.

desperate 单语例句

1. Desperate to save as much as possible, she has started buying tuna canned in China because they cost less.

2. Hundreds of Beijing students are hitting the gym in a desperate bid to boost their chances of being accepted by the school of their choice.

3. Desperate crowds formed by the thousands and some pushed and shoved after weeks of stifling fuel shortages.

4. But Aristide was overthrown in 1991, and Haitians took to the seas by the thousands in a desperate exodus to Florida.

5. Halle has previously admitted she is desperate to have a baby by the time she turns 40 - which is next month.

6. Brown's cabinet reshuffle is viewed as a desperate move to regain voters'confidence and his authority and strength in the government.

7. They're both being a bit cagey and stubborn but they're desperate to see one another.

8. The desperate old man could do nothing but call out his daughter's name across the sea every day and night.

9. Banned at the start of the " cultural revolution ", pawn shops were considered a form of capitalist exploitation preying on poor and desperate people.

10. The former'Desperate Housewives'actress is a huge fan of the late blonde beauty as she just oozed beauty and sex appeal.

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