
detention是什么意思 detention在线翻译 detention什么意思 detention的意思 detention的翻译 detention的解释 detention的发音 detention的同义词

detention [dɪˈtenʃn]  [dɪˈtɛnʃən] 


detention 基本解释


名词拘留,扣押; 阻留; 放学后留校; (非法)占有


detention 网络解释

1. 拘留:在翻译arrest一词时要先搞清楚源文件的意思是逮捕还是拘留,因为逮捕(arrest)和拘留(detention)是两个不同的概念.

2. detention的解释

2. 滞箱费:(11)滞箱费(DETENTION) 一般指柜子的租金. 即允许将柜子提出来到交还码头几天内免费,超过此期限即按标定计费 (对于用柜子而言的收费, 不同港口收费标准是不一样,特种柜的也不一样,冻柜免租期较短). 滞箱费就是超期费的意思,

3. 留置:美国海关2007年针对纺织品的执法行动增加了64%(其中65件海关处罚案件,罚款总额达650万美元),预定赔偿金(liquidated damages claims)处罚增加了7,100%(502案件,求偿总额达2,180万美元),拒绝入关 (exclusion) 案件增加了368%,留置(detention)案件增加了1,00

detention 词典解释

1. (尤指出于政治原因的)拘留,扣押,监禁
    Detention is when someone is arrested or put into prison, especially for political reasons.

    e.g. ...the detention without trial of government critics...
    e.g. They have been held in detention since the end of June...

2. (惩罚顽皮学童的)放学后留校
    Detention is a punishment for naughty schoolchildren, who are made to stay at school after the other children have gone home.


    e.g. The teacher kept the boys in detention after school.

detention 单语例句

1. Xu had a detention record for hoax police emergency call in 1999.

2. It's the most revealing account so far of interrogations at the secretive detention camp, where officials say they have halted some controversial techniques.

3. The longer the diplomatic friction over the detention of the Chinese trawler captain continues, the lesser the opportunity for Kan to fix the already impaired relations.

4. Beijing canceled diplomatic meetings in protest at Japan's detention of the captain.

5. The supervisors should also be invited to inspect sites for detention and carry out law enforcement checkup.

6. MEXICO CITY - The Mexican Navy announced Monday the detention of 35 police officers in eastern Mexico for alleged involvement with the Zetas drug cartel.

7. The suspect is now in police detention and the case is under investigation.

8. Pang said Ho's case warranted a deterrent sentence to protect the system and to safeguard the interests of people held in detention.

9. The case has raised important issues over the state of the country's detention system.

10. The detention and casualty happened during recent crackdowns on illegal gold mining in Ashanti, the embassy said.

detention 英英释义


1. a punishment in which a student must stay at school after others have gone home

    e.g. the detention of tardy pupils

2. a state of being confined (usually for a short time)

    e.g. his detention was politically motivated
           the prisoner is on hold
           he is in the custody of police

    Synonym: detainmentholdcustody

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