
diagnostic是什么意思 diagnostic在线翻译 diagnostic什么意思 diagnostic的意思 diagnostic的翻译 diagnostic的解释 diagnostic的发音 diagnostic的同义词

diagnostic [ˌdaɪəgˈnɒstɪk]  [ˌdaɪəgˈnɑ:stɪk] 

diagnostic 基本解释

形容词诊断的,判断的; 特征的

名词诊断法,诊断程式; 诊断结论

diagnostic 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 诊断:18、HP DJ1125、DJ1120C a、去掉数据线开机,打印机正常后按住进纸键大概五秒钟再松开;或者按住进纸键开机; 诊断(DIAGNOSTIC)页 b、开机正常后,先按住电源键,同时按4 次进纸键,按完4 次进纸键纸后再松开电源键; 清洗墨盒 c、开机正常后,

2. 侦错:在 Websense 布署后,如果政策设定较复杂,偶而会接到使用者反应有错误的阻挡发生时,为了侦错(Diagnostic)方便,有时候会希望可以在 BlockPage中显示进一步的 Policy 执行讯息,以及该使用者的资讯.

3. 的 诊断:透过教图2.1.6 智慧型教学系统(ITS)的基本结构关系图(引自Lee A.Becker,1988)Steele & Steele(1999)提出一个DISCOVER数学文字问题(word problems)的解二、波利亚(Polya)解题引导策略当学习者在使用系统解题时,系统必须要有足够的诊断(diagnostic)机制,随针对学习者

4. 诊断的:1) agnostic不可之论的 | 2) diagnostic诊断的 | 3) ignorance无知

diagnostic 词典解释

1. (用于)诊断的;(用于)判断的
    Diagnostic equipment, methods, or systems are used for discovering what is wrong with people who are ill or with things that do not work properly.


    e.g. ...X-rays and other diagnostic tools.

diagnostic 单语例句

1. A diagnostic canister is placed in the shaft above the device, it contains instruments to collect data from the blast.

2. The declaration also allows officials to use medication and diagnostic tests and releases funds to purchase additional antiviral medication.

3. The annual event aims to promote the development of international medical diagnostic technology and encourage communication within the field.

4. National reference and animal disease diagnostic laboratories have been established at provincial and ministerial levels, and emergency plans and technical standards have been developed for controlling animal diseases.

5. He added that with more advanced diagnostic imaging tools, patients are increasingly diagnosed at earlier phases of the disease.

6. In 2001, homosexuality was crossed out of the China Classification and Diagnostic Criteria of Mental Disorders.

7. Health officials say that better distribution of antibiotics and diagnostic tools could save children in Africa and other parts of the developing world.

8. The definitions were based on the American Psychiatric Association's diagnostic manual.

9. Liu said doctors hope to save both babies but the first thing they have to do is obtain clear diagnostic results for further surgery.

10. The plan requires local health departments and medical institutions to use diagnostic technology, standardized treatment and health education to help prevent the disease more effectively.

diagnostic 英英释义



1. characteristic or indicative of a disease

    e.g. a diagnostic sign of yellow fever
           a rash symptomatic of scarlet fever
           symptomatic of insanity
           a rise in crime symptomatic of social breakdown

    Synonym: symptomatic

2. concerned with diagnosis
    used for furthering diagnosis

    e.g. a diagnostic reading test

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