
disconnect是什么意思 disconnect在线翻译 disconnect什么意思 disconnect的意思 disconnect的翻译 disconnect的解释 disconnect的发音 disconnect的同义词

disconnect [ˌdɪskəˈnekt]  [ˌdɪskəˈnɛkt] 


disconnect 基本解释

及物动词断开; 切断; 拆开; 使(电话线路)中断

disconnect 反义词


disconnect 相关例句


1. The repairman disconnected the television set before fixing it.

disconnect 网络解释

1. disconnect的反义词

1. 断路开关:断路器在现场被关闭后,紧簧马达无法将关闭弹簧旋紧(charge)高压电气的断路开关(disconnect)是用以高压电气的断路开关(disconnect)不应用以使用高压电气断路开关(disconnect)而不使用断路器来隔离主电力变压器的优点

2. 结束:快速恢复使OnLine达到与最后一个完成事务一致的状态. 系统监视界面(SMI)表是OnLine管理的专用表. 它包含了有关数据库服务器状态的动态信息. 你可以对它们使用SELECT语句来决定你想要了解有关数据库服务器的几乎任何事情. B.SQL通话结束(DISCONNECT)

disconnect 词典解释

1. 切断;断开
    To disconnect a piece of equipment means to separate it from its source of power or to break a connection that it needs in order to work.

    e.g. The device automatically disconnects the ignition when the engine is switched off...
    e.g. Vicky Brown arrived home to find the men disconnecting her microwave...

2. (通常指因欠费而)切断(煤气、水、电或者电话)
    If you are disconnected by a gas, electricity, water, or telephone company, they turn off the connection to your house, usually because you have not paid the bill.

    e.g. You will be given three months to pay before you are disconnected.

3. 使分离;使分开
    If you disconnect something from something else, you separate the two things.

    e.g. He disconnected the IV bottle from the overhead hook.

disconnect 单语例句

1. Rogers has spent a lot of time trying to figure out what causes that disconnect.

2. The involvement of ISPs has also risen up the agenda after France introduced a scheme to disconnect users who persisted in illegal downloading.

3. Those who rationalize this disconnect have argued that our soldiers are volunteers, happy doing what they signed up to do.

4. The survey found a significant disconnect between what senior leaders say and what employees perceive they are actually doing.

5. He added that it is unadvisable to undertake too much " innovation " and disconnect the classic Tibetan patterns and reassemble them.

6. The two rigs drilling relief tunnels will disconnect from the well if they have to evacuate the site.

7. The financial crisis simply highlights the serious disconnect with our physical world, also known as reality.

8. They can also disconnect a home phone and swap that number for a wireless service.

9. As voters, workers are holding their elected representatives accountable for this extraordinary macro disconnect.

10. There is a disconnect between education and the market demand for talent.

disconnect 英英释义


1. an unbridgeable disparity (as from a failure of understanding)

    e.g. he felt a gulf between himself and his former friends
           there is a vast disconnect between public opinion and federal policy

    Synonym: gulfdisconnection



1. make disconnected, disjoin or unfasten

2. pull the plug of (electrical appliances) and render inoperable

    e.g. unplug the hair dryer after using it

    Synonym: unplug

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