
disengage是什么意思 disengage在线翻译 disengage什么意思 disengage的意思 disengage的翻译 disengage的解释 disengage的发音 disengage的同义词

disengage [ˌdɪsɪnˈgeɪdʒ]  [ˌdɪsɛnˈɡedʒ] 


disengage 基本解释

及物动词解开; 分开; 释放; 使(部队)脱离战斗


disengage 反义词


disengage 相关例句


1. disengage的反义词

1. The mother gently disengaged her hand from that of the sleeping child.

2. She disengaged her hand from that of the sleeping child.

3. I shall be disengaged on Friday afternoon.

4. The commander disengaged the first company.


1. That country disengaged from military dependence on its neighbor.

disengage 网络解释

1. disengage什么意思

1. 脱离:鸡肋8:消失(Inproved Fade)因为技能缺陷,不是象猎人技能脱离(Disengage)能够减少仇恨,时间到了把仇恨还给你,所以是没什么价值的天赋. 问题1:点燃(Ignite) 1点天赋暴击时4秒增加8%法术基本伤害 看看人家撒满1点天赋(Elemental Fury)暴击时加50%基本伤害,

2. 分离:本离合作动器是以电马达经减速机构减速,再转换成直线运动,以推动离合器释放轴承之轴向位移,而控制离合器之接合(engage)及分离(disengage). AcMT之控制共分成三个主要的部分:一是转速、类比及排档讯号撷取、二是离合器咬合控制、三是操作模式及离合器模态.

3. disengage的反义词

3. 解开,放开:disembark 登岸,离船,卸货 | disengage 解开,放开 | disentangle 解开

4. disengage什么意思

4. 脱开,(离合器)分离:Disc type horn 盆形电喇叭 | Disengage 脱开,(离合器)分离 | Dismantling 拆卸,拆除

5. disengage什么意思

5. disengage:diseng; 使脱离

disengage 词典解释

1. (使)脱离;(使)松开;解开;拆开
    If you disengage something, or if it disengages, it becomes separate from something which it has been attached to.

    e.g. She disengaged the film advance mechanism on the camera...
    e.g. John gently disengaged himself from his sister's tearful embrace...

2. (军队)撤军
    If an army disengages from an area, it withdraws from that area.


    e.g. ...the evident desire of both superpowers to disengage from Afghanistan...
    e.g. More vigorous action is needed to force the federal army to disengage.

disengage 单语例句


1. " I couldn't figure out how to disengage from all that stuff, " he says.

2. He said Khan did not disengage the safety catch of his gun, a step necessary for firing.

3. The Lebanese army has been deployed to disengage fighters, and was ordered to use force against any violation.

4. Opponents of Sharon's plan to " disengage " from conflict with the Palestinians seeking statehood have threatened to bring Israel to a halt ahead of the pullout.

disengage 英英释义



1. become free

    e.g. in neutral, the gears disengage

2. free or remove obstruction from

    e.g. free a path across the cluttered floor

    Synonym: free

3. release from something that holds fast, connects, or entangles

    e.g. I want to disengage myself from his influence
           disengage the gears

    Synonym: withdraw

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