
disintegrate是什么意思 disintegrate在线翻译 disintegrate什么意思 disintegrate的意思 disintegrate的翻译 disintegrate的解释 disintegrate的发音

disintegrate [dɪsˈɪntɪgreɪt]  [dɪsˈɪntɪˌɡret] 


disintegrate 基本解释


及物动词使某物碎裂,崩裂; 使某物衰微,瓦解,分崩离析

不及物动词碎裂,崩裂; 衰微,瓦解,分崩离析

disintegrate 相关例句


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The rocks are disintegrated by frost and rain.

2. The extracted case was so old it just disintegrated when a worker picked it up.


1. The older strata gradually disintegrate.

2. disintegrate

2. The plane would probably disintegrate at that high speed.

disintegrate 网络解释

1. 分裂:如果内驱力体验和本能是有问题的,当得不到支持的时候,它们便倾向于出现自体分裂(disintegrate)弗洛伊德把自恋比做睡觉或者生病的人,这时候、人把全部情感投注从外界撤回,结果、这样一个人对外界的一切都不感兴趣,

2. 解离术:20d6(d8/等级对水元素或者植物)* 凌空而行(Air Walk)像在平地一样在空中行动10分钟/等级* 增强隐身术(Improved invisibility)->高级隐身术(Greater Invisibility)持续1回合/等级* 解离术(Disintegrate)造成2d6/等级伤害(上限40d6),

3. disintegrate的近义词

3. 裂解:原子裂解(disintegrate)速率是确定的,以镭原子为例,我们只知道镭原子是以确定的速率进行裂变,而不可以知道具体会在何时裂变. 问题:原子分裂的速率与我们观察原子的时间无关. 这题我确定应该是true

4. 碎裂:穿过它进入Medusas的一个巢穴,在那儿拜访到绿色帐篷,守卫美杜莎,量很多,最好战斗前吃一瓶复活药,以防被石化死掉,开始战斗后要尽量用强杀伤力的魔法(最好是碎裂(Disintegrate))尽快的干掉它,拜访帐篷后不要有旁边的传送们传送出去,

disintegrate 词典解释

1. 崩溃;瓦解
    If something disintegrates, it becomes seriously weakened, and is divided or destroyed.

    e.g. During October 1918 the Austro-Hungarian Empire began to disintegrate.
           在 1918 年 10 月间,奥匈帝国开始瓦解。

...the disintegration of the country's two largest political parties.
...the disintegration of an ordinary marriage.

2. 碎裂;分裂;粉碎
    If an object or substance disintegrates, it breaks into many small pieces or parts and is destroyed.

    e.g. At 420mph the windscreen disintegrated.

...the catastrophic disintegration of the aircraft after the explosion.

disintegrate 单语例句


1. Chestnut is very starchy and you must not overcook the nuts or they will simply disintegrate.

2. Rich and heavy brush lines combine with the transparency of water colors, in which bodies disintegrate.

3. But the vegetable itself shrinks during cooking so make sure your slices are not cut so thin that they disintegrate during the cooking.

4. Slice off the solid core, but take care not to cut through and cause the leaves to disintegrate.

5. If you try to carve too soon, the meat will likely disintegrate.

6. Some experts questioned the economic development pattern of Wenzhou a couple of years earlier, predicting the pattern dominated by family firms would soon disintegrate.

7. A series of caves located in rolling hills had begun to disintegrate, with small stones falling from the ceiling at several spots.

8. The same is true with Liu Xiaobo who has been attempting to overthrow the Chinese government and to disintegrate the nation into smaller states.

9. As the motives for the war against Iraq disintegrate, the United States has seemingly found a new target against which to act tough.

10. Bild newspaper said that chemists believed the notes only disintegrate when in contact with hand perspiration.

disintegrate 英英释义



1. break into parts or components or lose cohesion or unity

    e.g. The material disintegrated
           the group disintegrated after the leader died

2. lose a stored charge, magnetic flux, or current

    e.g. the particles disintegrated during the nuclear fission process

    Synonym: decaydecompose

3. cause to undergo fission or lose particles

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