
disintegration是什么意思 disintegration在线翻译 disintegration什么意思 disintegration的意思 disintegration的翻译 disintegration的解释

disintegration [dɪsˌɪntɪ'ɡreɪʃn]  [dɪsˌɪntɪˈɡreʃən] 

disintegration 基本解释

名词瓦解; 蜕变; 崩溃; <物>裂变

disintegration 网络解释

1. 蜕变:这过程称为放射衰变 (radioactive decay) 或蜕变 (disintegration). F. 半衰期 放射性核素的半衰期 (half-life) 就是该核素有一半原子核衰变所衰的时间. 经过一个半衰期,放射性核素的放射强度 (activity) 会减弱一半. 放射强度的单位为每秒钟的分裂次数或贝克勒尔 (Bq)

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 瓦解:1989年,真正华丽、绝望的<<瓦解>>(Disintegration)问世,史密斯送给妻子当结婚礼物的<>,成了全球排行榜上的热门歌. 可乐队却像专辑名暗示的一样开始解体.

3. 分解:然而,对我的思维来说,这样一种整合与完全的分解(disintegration)是一致的. 由我像我的读者一样确信,在本书提出的许多特定的假设中,每一种假设,都需要进一步论证;我对其中许多假设的未来命运仍心存疑虑. 但是,不该把对特定假设的态度与一般的原理混淆起来,

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 去整合:IN蛋白可催化此Y形结构分解,重新形成游离的病毒末端及宿主细胞DNA片段,完成去整合(disintegration)反应. 将15 bp AE157的5′端标记,电泳后可显示30 bp的去整合产物(图1C、2C,见第I页).

disintegration 单语例句

1. This would likely lead to civil war or the disintegration of Syria into five or more small states divided on religious and national lines.

2. If Syria followed the Libyan experience of foreign military intervention it could lead to the disintegration of Syria and destabilization of the Middle East.

3. It is blamed as one of the main factors of the CSL's disintegration.

4. Sunnis say that turning the traditionally centralized country into a loose federation would set the stage for its eventual disintegration.

5. The complexities surround concerns about the remoteness of resettlement locations, compensation and the disintegration of longstanding communities.

6. Their words are reminiscent of the days 20 years ago when US politicians were overjoyed to see the disintegration of the erstwhile Soviet Union.

7. Internet abuse has been cited as a contributing factor in the disintegration of marriages and the collapse of promising careers.

8. " You have the great problem of a potential disintegration of the euro, " Volcker said in a May 13 speech in London.

9. But the statement made no reference to the rights abuses, and said he had to act to prevent Chile's economic and political disintegration.

10. The American ambassador noted ultimate panic in Delhi and the disintegration of public morale.

disintegration 英英释义


1. total destruction

    e.g. bomb tests resulted in the annihilation of the atoll

    Synonym: annihilation

2. the spontaneous disintegration of a radioactive substance along with the emission of ionizing radiation

    Synonym: decayradioactive decay

3. separation into component parts

    Synonym: dissolution

4. in a decomposed state

    Synonym: decomposition

5. a loss (or serious disruption) of organization in some system

    e.g. a disintegration of personality

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