
distributions是什么意思 distributions在线翻译 distributions什么意思 distributions的意思 distributions的翻译 distributions的解释 distributions的发音

distributions [dɪstrɪb'ju:ʃnz]  [dɪstrɪb'ju:ʃnz] 


distributions 基本解释

分配( distribution的名词复数 );分类;分发;分配物;

distributions 网络解释

1. 分布:类库提供了连续分布(像 正态分布 & 费歇尔分布)和 离散分布 (像 二项分布 & 泊松分布) .四元数最重要的方面之一在于它提供了一种高效的方法用于参数化(parameterize)在R3 (通常所说的三维空间)和 R4(四维空间)中的旋转(几何旋转).随机数在各种各样的应用程序中都是很有用的. Boost 随机数库 (简称 Boost.Random) 提

2. distributions的翻译

2. 分销,分派:99 disclaimer of opinion 拒绝表示意见 | 100 distributions 分销,分派 | 101 documenting the audit process 记录审计程序

3. distributions的意思

3. 派息:15. Dispute Resolution 争议解决 | 16. Distributions 派息 | 17. Eligible Collateral 合格担保品

4. 让我们新增 FreeBSD 的安装套件:Distributions让我们新增 FreeBSD 的安装套件. | Root Password设定超级使用者密码. | Fdisk分割硬盘的工具,日后要再加入新硬盘时可以使用.

distributions 单语例句

1. Funds released from RRR cuts will flow to different sectors of the national economy in accordance with loan distributions.

2. Fund released from RRR cuts will flow to different sectors of the national economy in accordance with loan distributions.

3. Li described reform as a campaign to reshuffle the current benefit distributions with the ultimate goal to allocate more concrete help for people.

4. Guangzhou citizens will receive governmental distributions of 150 RMB as compensation and people who live in the city will receive 50 RMB subsidies.

5. But with a long delivery route to reach impacted areas due to road conditions, it has been " very problematic " in securing food distributions into the country.

6. The REIT's future distributions will then depend entirely on underlying rental income.

7. " It was key to understanding the mechanics of how distributions worked, " he admits.

8. Bird has started to revamp its distributions and sales channels while TCL has acquired Alcatel's technologies and brand.

9. " Online consulting " has different categories depending on citizens'demands and different governmental organization distributions.

10. The soil at the site had even distributions of black, gray and yellow.

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