
downswing是什么意思 downswing在线翻译 downswing什么意思 downswing的意思 downswing的翻译 downswing的解释 downswing的发音 downswing的同义词

downswing [ˈdaʊnswɪŋ]  [ˈdaʊnˌswɪŋ] 


downswing 基本解释



downswing 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 下摆:因为高的后摆(High Backswing)造成了长的下摆(Downswing),在脚步的移动速度及时间没有改变的情形下又要多作些手腕的动作,时间差会变得很难拿捏,如果每一球都还要作得一样,真的非常难以控制.

2. 下降趋势;衰退时期:downside trend跌勢 | downswing下降趨勢;衰退時期 | downturn市況逆轉;市況回落

3. 向下之一挥:downsun 背阳的 | downswing 向下之一挥 | downthrow 陷落

downswing 双语例句

1. If IT have suppressed any negative feelings or denied ITself in order to be abundance loving on the upswing of IT wave, then on the downswing IT begins to experience any negative feelings and unfulfilled commands.

2. If she has suppressed any negative feelings or denied herself in order to be more loving on the upswing of her wave, then on the downswing she begins to experience these negative feelings and unfulfilled needs.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. However this does not mean you have really force your downswing.

4. This won't create a faster downswing.

5. For the downswing and impact, start with your hips.

6. That's why his hips unwound so fast on the downswing.

7. Most golfers struggle with the initial move back down to the ball on their downswing.

8. downswing的解释

8. Downswing, move your back elbow in front of your hip

9. ICBC, China Construction Bank issued three quarterly performance of both growth and abrupt downswing

10. Your body must not sway to the left during the downswing.

11. When you attempt a swing using the Secret, key the downswing by pushing your right knee inward both to the left and toward the ball.

12. If you asked me a couple months ago whether I could have a 10 buyin downswing playing my normal game without any real tilt in there, I really doubt I could foresee it happening.

13. downswing

13. Since the downswing of the inventory cycle was unusually brutal, the inventory-led element of the upswing could be quite vigorous too.

14. Unfortunately, they were already on the downswing when the NBA and ABA merged and had to give up George McGinnis to make ends meet. The Pacers spent the next decade and a half in the doldrums -- it took 18 years, in fact, for them to win a playoff series, when Larry Brown and Donnie Walsh joined forces to usher in two decades of respectability.

15. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

15. The manufacturing economy remains on a downswing.

16. They also reinforced the economic and stock market downswing once the bubble burst.

17. The shaft of a players club broke during his downswing.

18. Not just a little bit thin, but that was better as far as the downswing of the club.

19. downswing的近义词

19. Most important, there is something strikingly different about this downswing: China, India, and other rising economic powers are offering alternative poles of growth for the global economy.

20. On the downswing, you start with your knee, then your shoulder.

downswing 词典解释

1. (经济等的)突然下降,下降趋势
    A downswing is a sudden downward movement in something such as an economy, that had previously been improving.


    e.g. The manufacturing economy remains on a downswing.
    e.g. ...inflation and the threat of an economic downswing.

downswing 英英释义



1. a worsening of business or economic activity

    e.g. the market took a downturn

    Synonym: downturn

2. a swing downward of a golf club

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