
drill master是什么意思 drill master在线翻译 drill master什么意思 drill master的意思 drill master的翻译 drill master的解释 drill master的发音

drill master [dril ˈmɑ:stə]  [drɪl ˈmæstɚ] 

drill master 基本解释


drill master 网络解释

1. drill master

1. 教官:drill book 操典 | drill master 教官 | drill press 钻床

drill master 双语例句

1. No overtime work shall be considered for any work performed in case of emergency affecting the safety of the vessel, crew or cargo of which the Master shall be the sole judge or for fire, boat or emergency drill/work required, to give assistance to other vessels or person in immediate peril.

2. Just should be widely knowledge without having to drill master.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. The only difference is that the drill master can push the switch at any time and control the plane in danger.

4. drill master

4. As you master the drill, you main focus is to have you head move within the body wave, move it forward as you breathe, and let it lead your body into the water without pause.

5. Poker Drill Master not a game: you do not play poker against the computer, or battle against programmedopponents. Learn to when to call, fold and raise with our targeted drills.

6. drill master在线翻译

6. Hour master declare drill over.

7. An important way is that the drill master sitting in the back cabin has the choice of piloting switching by one added button: In the default setting, the drill master has the right of control; the student like the back gunner on IL2 now can watch but can`t pilot the plane. The panel data come from the drill master`s computer and received by the student`s computer, showed on his screen.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. The principle and method for selection and master design of guide drill tool

9. The selection and master design of guide drill tool are important problems usually met by field drilling operator and manufacturer.

10. During military training, the drill master asked us to fold the quilts neatly before going out and standing in line. The coach trains the junior varsity team to get into the varsity team's shoes when they graduate.

11. Hung is the drill master on Chai Chin's estate.

12. This invention relates to a machine tool electric appliance control system for an iron and steel production line, namely, a control system for a drill and mill machine programmable controller, which takes the PLC controller for finishing signal input, process and control of the output function as the core, the input interfaces of which include that of the drill and mill machine operation button signals and that of a sensor signal for testing the work of the machine set on the production line, its output interfaces include those of acoustic-optical alarm signals, master circuit signals controlling the raw material transport device and starting the motor and electromagnetic valve signals for controlling a hydraulic device serving the raw material production.

13. Many women can smile just as sweetly, but their smile is only facial muscle calisthenics, as if a drill master were barking the order, " One!"

14. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

14. 25% interactive reporting (prompts, drill, master detail, OLAP)

drill master 英英释义


1. a noncommissioned officer who instructs recruits in military marching and discipline

    Synonym: drill instructor

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