
drown是什么意思 drown在线翻译 drown什么意思 drown的意思 drown的翻译 drown的解释 drown的发音 drown的同义词 drown的反义词 drown的例句

drown [draʊn]  [draʊn] 


drown 基本解释

及物动词淹死; 浸没; 麻痹某人对…的意识; (一声音)淹没(另一声音)



drown 相关词组

1. drown out : 淹没, 压过;

drown 相关例句


1. Don't drown my whisky.

2. The noise of the machines drowned his voice.

3. It is no use trying to drown your sorrows in drink.

4. The cheers of the audience drowned the professor's voice.

drown 网络解释

1. drown是什么意思

1. 溺水:朱诺特.迪亚兹出生在多米尼加,6岁移民美国,在家境贫寒的情况下进入耶鲁大学,凭小说集<<溺水>>(Drown)一举成名,此后,他虽新作不多,但获奖却不少,曾获过全美书评人协会奖,<<洛杉矶时报>>年度选书等奖,

2. drown的意思

2. 淹没:dig 挖 | drown 淹没 | composition 写作

3. drown什么意思

3. 溺死:drover 牲畜贩子 | drown 溺死 | drowning 溺死

drown 词典解释

1. (把…)淹死,溺死
    When someone drowns or is drowned, they die because they have gone or been pushed under water and cannot breathe.

    e.g. Forty-eight people have drowned after their boat capsized during a storm...
           他们的船在暴风雨中倾覆后有 48 人溺亡。
    e.g. A child can drown in only a few inches of water...

2. 淹没(于…中);置身(于…中)
    If you say that a person or thing is drowning in something, you are emphasizing that they have a very large amount of it, or are completely covered in it.

    e.g. We were drowning in data but starved of information.
    e.g. ...people who gradually find themselves drowning in debt...

3. 盖过,淹没(声音)
    If something drowns a sound, it is so loud that you cannot hear that sound properly.


    e.g. Clapping drowned the speaker's words for a moment...
    e.g. The conversation was drowned by the arrival of the taxi.

4. 借酒浇愁
    If you say that someone is drowning their sorrows, you mean that they are drinking alcohol in order to forget something sad or upsetting that has happened to them.


drown 单语例句

1. If one or a few voices are so strong as to drown out the others, variations of one voice get mistaken for a chorus of opinions.

2. These often big, powerful drops are so overwhelming they drown out whatever morsels get consumed with them.

3. " I watched my father and mother drown, " he said.

4. But the report said drowning was largely missing from child mortality statistics because many children who drown are often never taken to hospitals.

5. The second time she took an overdose of sleeping pills, and on the third she jumped into a deep pond and tried to drown herself.

6. I'm sure it cannot represent the majority of the Chinese people, but when you get vociferous enough you can drown out the rational voice.

7. Their parents - and their grandparents - fear Western influence will drown out Iraq's centuries of culture and respect for religion.

8. The actors have the chance to drown their sorrows at a wrap party Saturday, being held at a secret location in the Los Angeles area.

9. Just 24 hours passed before the insurgents murdered another captive, apparently turning up a TV to drown out the gunfire.

10. Thousands drown every year during powerful typhoons, monsoon floods or simply from falling into rivers or ponds.

drown 英英释义


1. die from being submerged in water, getting water into the lungs, and asphyxiating

    e.g. The child drowned in the lake

2. get rid of as if by submerging

    e.g. She drowned her trouble in alcohol

3. kill by submerging in water

    e.g. He drowned the kittens

4. cover completely or make imperceptible

    e.g. I was drowned in work
           The noise drowned out her speech

    Synonym: submergeoverwhelm

5. be covered with or submerged in a liquid

    e.g. the meat was swimming in a fatty gravy

    Synonym: swim

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