
duel是什么意思 duel在线翻译 duel什么意思 duel的意思 duel的翻译 duel的解释 duel的发音 duel的同义词 duel的反义词 duel的例句 duel的相关词组

duel [ˈdju:əl]  [ˈdu:əl] 


duel 基本解释

名词决斗; 竞争,斗争

及物动词使(另一人)参加决斗; 反对


duel 相关例句


1. duel

1. They were locked in a verbal duel.

2. They both decided that the matter be settled by a duel.

duel 网络解释

1. duel在线翻译

1. 决:内心充满了对她丈夫的恨意. 满腔愤恨要和他离婚. 她说:『在我和他离婚以前,我要尽可能地伤害他,就像他对我一样!』反省: 求神的怜悯,使我俩的婚姻是二重唱 (Duet) 而不是二对决 (Duel). 更求神给我一个愿意走出第一步去爱人的心.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 飞轮喋血:1971年执导的低成本处女作<<飞轮喋血>>(Duel)显示出其非凡的驾驭类型片的能力,这部成本仅为30万美元的片子在欧洲上映时竟为环球公司赚了几百万美元,令圈内人士刮目相看.

3. <飞车杀机>:史匹堡於七一年曾执导电视长片<<飞车杀机>>(DUEL)亦是以公路为题,写一经纪被一莫明货车追杀,这不明朗的杀机正反映美国人在越战中面对的傍偟和焦虑,引身出[生存的考验并非敌人的存在,而是不知敌方何在,防不胜防的恐怖才是最大焦虑].

duel 词典解释

in AM, use 美国英语用 dueling, dueled

1. 决斗
    A duel is a formal fight between two people in which they use guns or swords in order to settle a quarrel.

    e.g. He had killed a man in a duel.

2. (双方的)争斗,冲突
    You can refer to a conflict between two people or groups as a duel .

    e.g. The area has been the scene of sporadic artillery duels over the last six weeks.
           在过去的 6 周中,该地区曾经发生过零星的炮击。

3. 进行决斗;卷入决斗
    To duel means to fight a duel or be involved in a conflict.


    e.g. We duelled for two years and Peterson made the most of it, playing us off against each other.
    e.g. ...two silver French duelling pistols.

duel 单语例句


1. When he finds Mei trying to escape with Jin, he throws his dagger at Mei and has a duel with Jin.

2. Cloud and Godless'duel to the death involving what looks like glittery dental floss.

3. George Washington and Declaration of Independence signer Button Gwinnett, who dies in a pistol duel.

4. Tan settled for silver after losing a tight duel with ROK's Lee that saw them tied on 585 points after the qualification round.

5. Their adventures find them embroiled in a duel that Quixote must win in order for the true identity of Dulcinea to be revealed.

6. Mr Dixon said he believed any future merger or association would most likely involve two brands and duel listings.

7. Under a deal reached in February after years of negotiations, the DPRK agreed to abandon its nuclear programs in exchange for duel and other aid.

8. When Xue arrived for the scheduled duel, patrolling police noticed the boys'suspicious behavior and took them in for further questioning.

9. The duel role of turning a profit and contributing to economic stability is bringing high risks to banks.

10. The god is a household name in China, thanks to his duel with the Monkey King in the novel Journey to the West.


duel 英英释义


1. any struggle between two skillful opponents (individuals or groups)

2. a prearranged fight with deadly weapons by two people (accompanied by seconds) in order to settle a quarrel over a point of honor

    Synonym: affaire d'honneur



1. fight a duel, as over one's honor or a woman

    e.g. In the 19th century, men often dueled over small matters

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