
ecology是什么意思 ecology在线翻译 ecology什么意思 ecology的意思 ecology的翻译 ecology的解释 ecology的发音 ecology的同义词 ecology的反义词

ecology [iˈkɒlədʒi]  [iˈkɑ:lədʒi] 


ecology 基本解释

名词生态学; 社会生态学; 个体生态学

ecology 相关例句


1. More attention has been paid to workplace ecology recently.

2. ecology什么意思

2. Ecology is a branch of science that studies the relation between humans and the environment.

3. Human ecology is a branch of social science.

ecology 网络解释

1. 生态化:人性化---充分考虑客户办公形态,商务形态和生活形态,形成主题化、个性化(Character)、人性化(Humanity),生态化(Ecology),共享性(Sharing)极强的新型办公型态和首家主题式办公楼.

2. 生态;环境:冯乃谦教授指出生态水泥(Eco-cement)是以生态环境(Ecology)与水泥(Cement)的合成语而命名的,它是一种新型的波特兰水泥. 这种水泥以城市垃圾烧却灰和下水道污泥为主要原料,经过处理、配料,并通过严格的生产管理而制成的工业制品,

ecology 词典解释

1. 生态学
    Ecology is the study of the relationships between plants, animals, people, and their environment, and the balances between these relationships.

    e.g. ...a senior lecturer in ecology.

2. 生态(环境);生态系统
    When you talk about the ecology of a place, you are referring to the pattern and balance of relationships between plants, animals, people, and the environment in that place.

    e.g. ...the ecology of the rocky Negev desert in Israel.
    e.g. ...the extinction of the marshes' unique ecology...

ecology 单语例句

1. Zhang himself returned to China in 1996, after earning a doctorate in ecology from the University of Cambridge.

2. We are still waiting for such measures to change the ecology of officialdom for the better.

3. The organization hopes to use the charisma of these iconic animals to appeal for protection of the region's ecology.

4. As part of a clean energy plan to protect its stunning coasts and semitropical ecology, the island has also mapped out a plan to construct wind farms.

5. The ecology of coastal waters around east China's Zhejiang province is constantly deteriorating, according to a survey issued by China's State Oceanic Administration.

6. The emphasis on the ecology seems in conformity with market demand - organic tea sells faster than varieties cultivated with pesticide and fertilizer.

7. The Chinese feel a greater necessity to place a premium on health and ecology with growing demand to consume more organic dairy products.

8. One of the most controversial voices in the global warming debate believes too much emphasis is put on extinction fears for ecology's poster animals.

9. The company said economy, ecology and social responsibility are corporate policy objectives.

10. " We can never pursue development at the cost of the ecology and environment, " he said.

ecology 英英释义


1. the branch of biology concerned with the relations between organisms and their environment

    Synonym: bionomicsenvironmental science

2. the environment as it relates to living organisms

    e.g. it changed the ecology of the island

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