
ecosystem是什么意思 ecosystem在线翻译 ecosystem什么意思 ecosystem的意思 ecosystem的翻译 ecosystem的解释 ecosystem的发音 ecosystem的同义词

ecosystem [ˈi:kəʊsɪstəm]  [ˈi:koʊsɪstəm] 


ecosystem 基本解释


ecosystem 网络解释

1. 生态系:概述 海洋生态系是海洋中由生物群落及其环境相互作用所构成的自然系统,生态系(Ecosystem)一词,系英国A.G.坦斯利于1935年提出. 在此之前,德国K.A.默比乌斯(1877...

2. 生态体系:未来的竞争是跨领域的体系间的竞争,生态体系(Ecosystem)的大小和强弱决定了是否在竞争中取得优势. google当然从众多海外互联网公司在中国的遭遇找到了答案,google会扎根本土,会帮助广大合作伙伴取得利益的前提下成长.

3. 生态:广达执行长王震华则指出,他无法评论客户的任何策略,广达身为全球NB制造产业领导厂商,对整个NB生态(ecosystem)负有不可旁卸的责任和义务,现在台NB制造市场已相对稳定,大家应该要靠自己在各方面努力来获得成绩,再相互杀价其实没有意思.

ecosystem 词典解释

1. 生态系统
    An ecosystem is all the plants and animals that live in a particular area together with the complex relationship that exists between them and their environment.

    e.g. Madagascar's ecosystems range from rainforest to semi-desert.
    e.g. ...the forest ecosystem.

ecosystem 单语例句

1. It is essential that we protect the environment and ecosystem which has been seriously damaged in some areas by unnecessary human activity.

2. It is a place where plants and animals from the Caribbean Sea share an ecosystem with native North American species.

3. Stray cats have come to be considered part of Beijing's ecosystem.

4. Hong Kong's political ecosystem is complex and diverse, with political forces of all persuasions fighting one another in every conceivable way.

5. It has made great progress in conserving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions but is still under pressure to improve its fragile ecosystem.

6. Advanced filter technology will protect the environment and promote the Wujiang River ecosystem.

7. The sea level rising will bring more floods and damage costal regions'ecosystem.

8. The Tasmanian devil is not only a key tourism icon for Australia's most southern State, but also ecologically critical to Tasmania's native ecosystem.

9. This loss of ice will not only turn the Arctic ecosystem upside down, affecting many animals that are adapted to a life with sea ice.

10. Smallholder farmers also need access to efficient and equitable markets, and incentives that encourage them to manage other ecosystem services besides food production.

ecosystem 英英释义


1. a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their physical environment

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