
electric storm是什么意思 electric storm在线翻译 electric storm什么意思 electric storm的意思 electric storm的翻译 electric storm的解释

electric storm [iˈlektrik stɔ:m]  [ɪˈlɛktrɪk stɔrm] 

electric storm 基本解释

电爆; [电] 电暴

electric storm 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 电暴:electric starter 電氣啟動器 | electric storm 電暴 | electrocardiogram 心電圖

2. electric storm的近义词

2. 雷雨:06.BE STRONG 保持强壮 4:11 | 07.ELECTRIC STORM 雷雨 4:11 | 08.ALMOST HERE 就快到了 3:47

electric storm 双语例句

1. electric storm的近义词

1. After rolls up like a mat the Mars for two hours, giant nebula Japan Current finally everywhere comes, in which is smuggling the massive solar system planetoid fragment and the interstellar dust, as a result of the proliferation and fierce cooling, is following the grotesque and gaudy fierce electric discharge phenomenon, looks like an unprecedented interspace storm crazy biao to come, as if must sweep prevents its all!

2. During the magnetic storm, the enhancement of the convection electric field and the particle precipitation could make the electron density of the Eregion much larger than that of the F-region, and the vertical profile deviates from the normal distribution completely.
    本文用EISCAT 雷达的综合资料,分析了磁静条件下极光区电离层的季节、昼夜变化,与磁扰时的特殊形态进行了比较,讨论了磁层-电离层耦合对电离层形态的影响。

3. Pilots of unprotected fiberglass or composite aircraft should not fly anywhere near a lightning storm or in other types of clouds, because nonthunderstorm clouds may contain sufficient electric charge to produce lightning.

4. Physiological electric field inhibiting lens epithelial cell proliferation by controlling cell cycle Storm damage blacked out much of the region.

5. I mean it was the perfect electric storm.

6. There will be an electric storm.

7. One evening during an electric storm the family gathered around the kitchen table, and each person wrote down two things that they liked about each family member.

8. Your misty clouds, your electric storm.

9. GIC level in Northwest 750kV Planning Power Grid under the effect of uniform electric field and strong geomagnetic storm is estimated.

10. Research on the relationships between atmospheric electric field anomalies before an earthquake and solar activity and magnetic storm

11. An unidentified man I mean it was the perfect electric storm.

12. Effect of electric field on low-latitude storm time ionospheric f_oF_2 variations Two-dimensional simulation of high-frequency-induced large-scale irregularities in F region

13. electric storm的反义词

13. The big snow storm in early 2008 has damaged China badly, and the electric power system cant escape from the disaster.

14. At this stage we are in the rainy season, the performance of the rainy season to rainy weather, accompanied by thunder and lightning and wind storm that may arise, at the time of thunder and lightning will not stay outdoors as much as possible; not to carry iron in the body is higher than the shoulders; to stay away from iron railings and other metal objects and electric poles; do not stay in the Peak, the top of the building, such as high ground; do not choose to avoid thunderstorms and high-rise next to large tree, generally an appropriate choice of a building or the nearest to the caves, gullies, etc.

electric storm 单语例句

1. So Liu said the public should not use mobile phones in gas stations during an electric storm.

2. On a March night 21 years ago, a severe storm brought Quebec's electric power grid to its knees.

electric storm是什么意思

electric storm 英英释义



1. a storm resulting from strong rising air currents
    heavy rain or hail along with thunder and lightning

    Synonym: thunderstormelectrical storm

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