
electronic mailbox是什么意思 electronic mailbox在线翻译 electronic mailbox什么意思 electronic mailbox的意思 electronic mailbox的翻译

electronic mailbox

electronic mailbox 双语例句

1. If you're a typical consumer, your electronic mailbox has been sinking under a steady stream of offers from on line merchants.

2. electronic mailbox

2. The now world E-mail has been person who network lifeide is necessary, believing each perception network to there will be an or many a lwn electronics mailbox, people passing E-mail proceeding corrxchanges, many company's houses with orgg organization too using E-mail proc kind of business activity with business contacting, beyond all doubtly, E-mail already and gradually starting replacing common letter, becoming for main current exchanges tools, bring of is the development of the electronic commerce
    简述 当今世界电子邮件已经是网络生活中不可或缺的,相信每个认知网络的人都会有一个或多个自己的电子邮箱,人们通过电子邮件进行通信和交流,许多商家和组织机构也用电子邮件进行各种商业活动和业务联系,毫无疑问,电子邮件已经逐渐开始取代普通的信件,成为为主流的信件交流工具,带来的就是电子商务的发展。

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. As the network gain ground, electronic mailbox became a kind of indispensable vehicle in people job.

4. If you're a typical consumer, your electronic mailbox has been sinking under a''.

5. Compare that to simply having an electronic bill arrive in your mailbox.

6. For example, some people, when assigned an electronic mailbox, quit answering their phone.

7. Spam is unwanted sales messages sent to your electronic mailbox.

8. Can say, be born from Internet, of electronic mailbox enable, rubbish mail arose.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Interactive Platform on the Government Portal Website, including leaders'Electronic Mailbox, Public Demand and Communicate Online, provides a seamless way which is not limited by both time and space for the interaction between government and public.

10. Company's products at home and abroad more than 100 long-term well-known office furniture, lock manufacturers, with rich production experience and excellent services, as well as at home and abroad to grasp the concept of design, the production of transgenic tongue lock, mailbox lock cash box, shift lock, secondary management locks, joint locks, for core-lock, mechanical and electronic locks and so on, not only the exquisite workmanship, elegant shape and generous, well received by the users of the community.

11. Welcome to hire the multi-lingual electronic-pronunciation-mailBox with a huge memory capacity.

12. E-mail (E-MAIL BOX) network, the most important communication tool with storage and delivery of electronic information capabilities, it is the electronic post office network to provide the network for network exchange electronic information space.

13. You can also leave a message or letter in your friends electronic mailbox.

14. The Performance Evaluation of Major's Electronic Mailbox of Government Portal Website

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