
elimination是什么意思 elimination在线翻译 elimination什么意思 elimination的意思 elimination的翻译 elimination的解释 elimination的发音

elimination [ɪˌlɪmɪ'neɪʃn]  [ɪˌlɪməˈneʃən] 


elimination 基本解释

名词淘汰; 排除; 除去; 根除

elimination 相关例句


1. Their elimination from the competition was a great surprise.

elimination 网络解释

1. 排除:ISO 9000最新版本,预定於公元2000年11月公布,将有一些修正,以便更容易使用及了解,其中较显著的修正部分为一些名词术语之重新定义或增删、ISO 9002及 ISO 9003之排除(Elimination)而不再适用、增加消费者满意度要求(包括新子项5.2 Cu

2. 消除:元妙网提示:本资料内含如下文件:lb改善的4原则--ecrs.doc,time study.xls,改善的四个基本原则.doc,改善问题list.xls改善的4原则-ECRS 消除(Elimination) 消除可能的所有作业,阶段或动作(这个适用于身体、腿、胳膊、手或眼睛) 为了易进行自动化,

3. 排出:很快我明白了,无论他使用的是何种疗法或者综合疗法,他始终着眼于四个基本的目标:对于吸收(Assimilation),排出(Elimination),循环(Circulation)和放松(Relaxation)机能的改善和调节.

elimination 单语例句

1. He was an active figure in the movement against nuclear proliferation, heading a coalition of Japanese cities calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons.

2. Qin said China has approved conventions on equal pay for work of equal value, prohibition of child labor and elimination of job discrimination.

3. The objective of the annual reviews would be to provide information for investments in cleaner products and services and the elimination of market distorting subsidies.

4. That would at least provide some consolation following their elimination from European football's premier club competition at the group stage.

5. Viewers can send in their votes in the form of an SMS, which will count in the candidate elimination of each round.

6. The forum also highlighted poverty elimination in China, now at a critical stage after a 20 years of constant effort.

7. But some 90 textile trade associations around the world have been campaigning for months to have the WTO consider delaying quota elimination.

8. Yet such shortsighted pursuit of petty gains is detrimental to the elimination of the crises, and may even lead to greater difficulties and new crises.

9. Brazil's rival lost a lot of enthusiasts after its disappointing elimination in the group stage of the 2002 World Cup in South Korea and Japan.

10. Spain has not conceded a goal since that opening draw with Italy and hasn't been scored upon in nine elimination games at major tournaments.

elimination 英英释义


1. the murder of a competitor

    Synonym: liquidation

2. the act of removing or getting rid of something

    Synonym: riddance

3. the act of removing an unknown mathematical quantity by combining equations

4. analysis of a problem into alternative possibilities followed by the systematic rejection of unacceptable alternatives

    Synonym: reasoning by elimination

5. the bodily process of discharging waste matter

    Synonym: evacuationexcretionexcretingvoiding

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