
emerald是什么意思 emerald在线翻译 emerald什么意思 emerald的意思 emerald的翻译 emerald的解释 emerald的发音 emerald的同义词 emerald的反义词

emerald [ˈemərəld]  [ˈɛmərəld, ˈɛmrəld] 


emerald 基本解释

名词祖母绿; 翠绿色; 绿宝石,翡翠; [印]一种活字

形容词翡翠的; 祖母绿的; 翠绿色的

emerald 相关例句


1. She is wearing a ring set with emerald.

emerald 网络解释

1. 祖母绿:全书采取英汉对照的形式,收录了张洁的小说数篇,其中包括:<<从森林里来的孩子>>(The Music of the Forests)、<<祖母绿>>(Emerald)等等. 本书是将中国文学的最新荟萃配设高水平的英语译文,是推荐给新世纪大学生的第一批读物,

2. 翡翠:以宝石的名称命名;以合理且悦耳的词汇命名,例如:警笛(Siren)、翡翠(Emerald)、勇士(Valiant)、坚定(Sturdy)驱逐舰支援舰(AD)----通常以美国的地点、地区的名称命名,

3. 绿宝石:与绿宝石(Emerald)来自同一个家族,统称绿柱石(Beryl). 美美的海蓝宝矿石,充满浪漫的海洋风味!也让人联想到蓝天,透明至半透明的蓝色宝石,让人看了觉得心情很好,但品像好的并不多,通常都会有天然冰裂及云雾. 是一种象征爱与和平的宝石.

4. 翠绿:越来越觉得蓝绿配色的网站很恶心了,就是那种比海军蓝(Navy)浅一点,配上间于靛绿(Viridian)、翠绿(Emerald)和草绿(Grass Green)那种说不清道不明的绿,好像从不知道什么时候起有人设计了这个配色之后就有公司或个人开始为各种 CMS 设计这样的模板,

emerald 词典解释

1. 翡翠;绿宝石
    An emerald is a precious stone which is clear and bright green.

2. 翠绿色;翡翠色
    Something that is emerald is bright green in colour.


    e.g. ...an emerald valley.

emerald 单语例句

1. The resonant voices and the palatable wine cast our mind to the pure lands among lofty mountains and emerald rivers.

2. Some call it " the emerald on the earth's belt, " and the local government has proudly used that characterization as a slogan.

3. Nevertheless it makes for a quiet spot to enjoy a late lunch and admire the crystal clear waters of the Emerald Pool.

4. A river cruise from Guilin to Yangshuo is the centerpiece of any trip to area, with hundreds of hills rolling alongside the emerald waters.

5. The Capricorn Highway between Rockhampton and Emerald was cut by floodwaters in four places on Friday.

6. A pair of emerald earrings sold for over $ 4 million at auction in Hong Kong, have set a new world record.

7. Libo has been called " the emerald belt along earth's waist ".

8. I really wanted to sit at the ponds and watch the emerald ripples quietly, but I decided it was best to continue on my way to the mountain.

9. It is the gardens of Mudu that truly make this town an emerald among those towns in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

10. Everything was still the same - the lake water remained emerald green and the islands were as splendid as before.

emerald 英英释义


1. the green color of an emerald

2. a transparent piece of emerald that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem

3. a green transparent form of beryl
    highly valued as a gemstone

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