
emulate是什么意思 emulate在线翻译 emulate什么意思 emulate的意思 emulate的翻译 emulate的解释 emulate的发音 emulate的同义词 emulate的反义词

emulate [ˈemjuleɪt]  [ˈɛmjəˌlet] 


emulate 基本解释

及物动词仿真; 竞争; 努力赶上

emulate 网络解释

1. 仿真:Pitch Mod[-100/+100]:设置由Mod Wheel在控制Oscillator频率(Vibrato)我们知道,驱动程序(Driver)是软件与硬件之间进行沟通的一种特定程序,DirectX作为仿真(Emulate)处理,但这样会产生较高Latency延迟现象.

2. emulate

2. 仿效:另外,除了部分产品外,均备有仿效(Emulate)EEPROM的数据存储用闪存. 这种数据存储用闪存可实现十万次的擦写. 带有单线式调试接口(NSD: New Single wire Debugger),可调试所有的功能. 另外,还可利用这一接口实现内置闪存的嵌入式(On Board)擦写.

3. 模拟:谈及SSD时许多人的第一个疑问是:SSD是运用Flash Memory所模拟(Emulate)成的磁盘(附注2),那么与原本既有的闪存应用,如Flash记忆卡、Flash随身碟等在研发上有何不同?

4. 努力感受,仿效:imminent逼近的 | emulate努力感受,仿效,vt | mulish执拗地

emulate 词典解释

1. (因为钦慕而)仿效,模仿
    If you emulate something or someone, you imitate them because you admire them a great deal.

    e.g. Sons are traditionally expected to emulate their fathers.

...a role model worthy of emulation.

emulate 单语例句

1. The star tried to emulate the weight loss actor Tom Hanks endured for his film Cast Away.

2. She has been reported as saying it was harmful to young girls if they tried to emulate catwalk stars who were too thin.

3. Terry is looking to emulate what Tony Adams did in spending his entire career at Arsenal by staying at Chelsea for life.

4. He says the Confucius Institute is not only an innovation but an institutional concept model developed by China that other nations can emulate.

5. Teenagers in areas rife with drugs often admire dealers, envy their income and aspire to emulate them.

6. And this is where I disagree with Tang's admonition to young people to emulate Li's success.

7. It also hints at the tantalising prospect that scientists may one day be able to emulate Jurassic Park by cloning a dinosaur.

8. One may disagree with the couple's political beliefs, but we must surely emulate their tenacity in pursuing those ideals.

9. The company learned to emulate the successful strategies and be careful not to duplicate those that the Japanese regretted.

10. Moore looks up to Reese Witherspoon, whose eclectic career she hopes to emulate.

emulate 英英释义


1. compete with successfully
    approach or reach equality with

    e.g. This artist's drawings cannot emulate his water colors

2. imitate the function of (another system), as by modifying the hardware or the software

3. strive to equal or match, especially by imitating

    e.g. He is emulating the skating skills of his older sister

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