
enamel是什么意思 enamel在线翻译 enamel什么意思 enamel的意思 enamel的翻译 enamel的解释 enamel的发音 enamel的同义词 enamel的反义词 enamel的例句

enamel [ɪˈnæml]  [ɪˈnæməl] 

第三人称单数:enamels第三人称复数:enamels现在分词:enameling; enamelling过去分词:enameled; enamelled过去式:enameled; enamelled

enamel 基本解释

名词搪瓷; 珐琅; 指甲油

及物动词给…上珐琅; 在…涂瓷漆

enamel 相关例句


1. The iron pan was covered with white enamel.

2. enamel的近义词

2. The enamel of her teeth is very white.

3. This pan is covered with enamel.

enamel 网络解释

1. 瓷漆:(6)磁漆;瓷漆(Enamel)施涂后. 所形成的漆膜坚硬、平整光滑,外观通常类似于搪瓷的色漆;其漆膜的光泽可变化于有无之间. (8)底漆(Primer) 多层涂装时,直接涂到底材上的涂料.

2. 搪瓷:<<凤眼界>>这幅大型画作,是陈瑞献首先以油彩及胶彩创作,然后把原画运到英国伯明翰的工厂,以特殊丝印技术,把搪瓷(enamel)烧到钢板上. 为了准确复制画中鲜艳色彩,工厂用了7个版的工序,是技术的新突破.

3. 牙釉质:牙釉质(enamel)是人体中最硬的组织,被覆在冠部牙本质的表面,呈淡黄色或乳白色半透明状. 其颜色与牙釉质的矿化程度有关. 矿化程度越高,牙釉质越透明,其深部牙本质的黄色越易透过,故呈淡黄色;矿化程度低则牙釉质透明度低,

4. 珐琅:珐琅(Enamel)是这些年来手表收藏的一大亮点 珐琅(Enamel)是这些年来手表收藏的一大亮点,尤其在手表机芯技术创新困难、设计因素越来越成为业界流行的背景下,珐琅表所体现的艺术性是其它种类的手表所难以比拟的.

enamel 词典解释

1. 搪瓷;珐琅;釉
    Enamel is a substance like glass which can be heated and put onto metal, glass, or pottery in order to decorate or protect it.

    e.g. ...a white enamel saucepan on the oil stove.
    e.g. ...enamel baths.

2. (尤指用于金属和木材上漆的)瓷漆,瓷釉
    Enamel is a hard, shiny paint that is used especially for painting metal and wood.


    e.g. ...enamel polymer paints...
    e.g. He relied on translucent enamels to produce vivid, glowing pictures.

3. (牙齿的)珐琅质,釉质
    Enamel is the hard white substance that forms the outer part of a tooth.

enamel 单语例句

1. His technique involves softening the gum with a blowtorch, spraying it with lacquer then applying three coats of acrylic enamel.

2. Waiting half an hour lets some of the minerals loosened get reabsorbed by the enamel.

3. The idea is that the calcium rebuilds the tooth by plugging microscopic gaps in the enamel.

4. Doctors activate the enamel and spread a special glue on the teeth before putting small diamonds on the surface and heating to fix them.

5. An enamel blue overstuffed Queen Chair from the Chinese community in the UK was presented to the royal family in late May.

6. The next process is called filling enamel, which produces the color of cloisonne after it is finished.

7. It uses the minerals naturally present in teeth to help the body mend itself, coating the teeth in a natural substance similar to enamel.

8. A new toothpaste promises to end the agony of sensitive teeth by rebuilding tooth enamel.

9. Step 3 Initial fill of cells with multiple colors of enamel, fire in kiln.

10. The statement said toothpastes with fluorin were better at protecting people's teeth because fluorin strengthens the enamel on the surface of the teeth.

enamel 英英释义


1. any smooth glossy coating that resembles ceramic glaze

2. a paint that dries to a hard glossy finish

3. hard white substance covering the crown of a tooth

    Synonym: tooth enamel

4. a colored glassy compound (opaque or partially opaque) that is fused to the surface of metal or glass or pottery for decoration or protection


1. coat, inlay, or surface with enamel

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