
enjoy the fame是什么意思 enjoy the fame在线翻译 enjoy the fame什么意思 enjoy the fame的意思 enjoy the fame的翻译 enjoy the fame的解释

enjoy the fame

enjoy the fame 双语例句

1. Among them, four images are particularly obvious: the Appreciation of natural scenery to enjoy fishing fun, in the name of fisherman to pursuit fame, fisherman frustrated by the top down and retire from the world in order to divert fish to worries and fishing as a means to find joy.

2. enjoy the fame的反义词

2. Happiness is not just about money and fame, but more about the quality of life we enjoy.

3. The ideas of being tired of fame and fortune and longing Ear secluded life were repeatedly expressed by the poets in their works in the Song Dynasty. Tao Yuanming's ideas and feelings made the well-off poets restrain the expansion of the desire for wealth and the poor ones to enjoy plain life.

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4. We have the wealth, fame and staus, with a lot of materials to enjoy, but we do not have love any more.

5. Its main products include FSMC series, AP-LDM series, LPF series, , DMC series and FBMC series bag type dust collectors, all kinds of fans, and model YJ-I oil fume, it sells well in more than ten provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and is exported to many foreign countries such as Syria and Bangladesh etc, it is widely used in many industries including power, steel, coal, chemical, metallurgy, cement, industrial kiln, nonferrous metal, refuse burning, stone processing, and grain processing industries etc and is extending to other industries and continues to cover new fields, the company and its products enjoy a high fame and good credit standing in the industry.

6. Once I asked all my friends a question. The question is that: Is there one thing that you like to do very much and when you are doing it you can even forget food and sleep, and you do it for nothing about money or fame, you just enjoy it?

7. Grapes in Changli, honey peaches in Nandashi and wild kiwi fruits enjoy high fame in the world.

8. We are confident that our new production will enjoy among other the fame as a buyer's must.

9. Many of the artists in The Upset enjoy international fame and are represented in prestigious galleries and museums worldwide.

10. enjoy the fame的近义词

10. Many of us would probably have stayed on to enjoy the fame and money that come with being a TV star.

11. Therefore starting from today, it is my pleasure to introduce to you some of the greatest jazz masters who enjoy the world fame and reputation.

12. I really enjoy to read the biography of fame person who is a successful in his/her career, we can learn from them and as a good sample for pushing us.

13. enjoy the fame的意思

13. Both of them enjoy high fame in the literary circles during the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties.

14. enjoy the fame在线翻译

14. They enjoy the materials their fame and money have brought to them on one hand, but on the other hand, they have higher spiritual life and find it hard to satisfy their spiritual need in a world of materialism and utilitarianism.

15. This pharmacist provided the drinks to clients for enjoy in the pharmacy, Pepsi`s fame rose henceforward.

16. enjoy the fame是什么意思

16. Schwarzkopf Professional hairdressing brand enjoy highly worldwide fame by right of its professional hairdressing products and hair-care products, in the process of brand history growth by a century.

17. enjoy the fame

17. If I fulfil this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honored with fame among all men for all time to come; if I transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my lot.

enjoy the fame 单语例句

enjoy the fame什么意思

1. Phelps used his break from the pool to enjoy his fame, making numerous television appearances and filming commercials with other sports stars and Hollywood celebrities.

2. The perilous cliffs and steep rocks and fantastic caves enjoy a fame of " Artificial Danxia Mountain ".

3. Perhaps to enjoy the real beauty of sports, winners should be divorced from money and fame.

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