
enraptured是什么意思 enraptured在线翻译 enraptured什么意思 enraptured的意思 enraptured的翻译 enraptured的解释 enraptured的发音 enraptured的同义词

enraptured [ɪnˈræptʃəd]  [ɪnˈræptʃərd] 


enraptured 基本解释

使狂喜( enrapture的过去式和过去分词 );

enraptured 网络解释

1. 眉飞色舞:01 好日子 good date | 02 眉飞色舞 enraptured | 03 夕阳西沉 sunrise

enraptured 双语例句

1. I think the audience should be so enraptured by your presence on stage and they should have fantasies about whatever, not necessarily about you.

2. And he played as he had never played before; and out of that second-hand instrument, the music poured forth until the audience was enraptured with enthusiasm and the applause almost lifted the ceiling of the building, because the man had revealed to them that music was not in the machine but in his own soul.

3. And he played as he had never played before; and out of that second-hand instrument, the music poured forth until the audience was enraptured with enthusiasm and the applause almost lifted the ceiling of the building because the man had revealed to them that music was not in the machine but in his own soul.

4. He was enraptured that she had smiled at him.

5. enraptured的翻译

5. In fact, through each passing day, I find myself more and more enraptured by her beauty.

6. They were enraptured to hear her song.

7. People like her are in enraptured by war and its illusion of glory.

8. enraptured什么意思

8. When first hearing of them, Gulliver is enraptured by the thought of their good fortune and that of a society harboring such fonts of experience and wisdom.

9. enraptured的近义词

9. Analysis: neurology, Zhang Hongqiao psychologists believe that the most important sporting events exciting, more thrilling scenes, a number of sports fans watching the game as the tournament often feel the ups and downs, especially to see their favorite team play, Mood is more excited to win, they will be enraptured, excited; once lost, often dejected, and called big and even damage-wounding.

10. The place at once enraptured me

11. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

11. Mu Han pick out the tip of brow, You worry about ray hanging there, I wonder if there is no pressure at the top of this melancholy, enraptured face, she must be very touching.

12. enraptured

12. The capital markets in recent times have lost faith in domestic industry, and become enraptured with property, derivatives, bonds and every other asset class.

13. The 20, 000-strong audience listened, enraptured.

14. In Greek mythology the song of the Sirens was so seductive that enraptured sailors let their ships run on to the rocks.

15. They were enraptured to meet the great film star.

16. Enraptured with feelings of joy, love and peace, he resists, but is forced to return.

17. Sat completely still, enraptured by the music; listened with rapt admiration; rapt in reverie.

18. Sir Willoughby was enraptured with her.

19. It can also be a romantic night for lovers, who sit holding hands on riverbanks and park benches, enraptured by the brightest moon of the year.

20. At a kids'school near City Hall, students sat enraptured on a Saturday afternoon, watching our mascot Roddy explain a grammar point.

enraptured 单语例句

1. But my amusement went off the scale and edged toward enraptured incredulity one glorious fortnight when the whole family went on holiday to Yugoslavia.

2. Jonathan Ive was onstage, lovingly dismantling an iBook laptop in front of an audience of enraptured designers.

3. Her new husband said on Wednesday that he was enraptured by Mai's " extreme " courage.

4. When debuted in Beijing and Shenzhen last year, it was a sweeping success among enraptured young audiences.

5. Those were not merely the feelings of a Western tourist enraptured by her first trip to China.

6. Many luxury brands cannot help feel enraptured and smug over their operating results, but many of them are not noticing the potential crisis hidden behind the brilliant performances.

enraptured 英英释义


1. feeling great rapture or delight

    Synonym: ecstaticrapturousraptrhapsodic

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